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Design And Implementation Of Provincial Bank Customer Information Management System Based On SOA

Posted on:2019-07-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's domestic Banks have traditionally been organized around products,and because of financial regulation,they offer a limited number of products and services that are highly homogeneous.As a result,financial enterprises have a weak sense of competition and a single profit model.With further strengthening of financial regulation,continuous progress of interest rate liberalization,and competition from Internet and third-party financial institutions,the old business model will be difficult to sustain.So,in the new environment,Banks need to change to the "customer as the center" model,to vigorously develop the capital loss is lower the retail banking business,through the positioning clear channels,in view of the potential or existing target customer base,in the customer development,sustain,and cross-selling marketing,service and sales in the process of seamless interaction with customers,to deepen customer relationships,improve customer profit contribution,the goal of long-term competitive advantage and create Banks.The main contribution of this thesis is based on the bank to establish "customer as the center" marketing service mode,according to current situation of the existing business system of customer information,based on service-oriented SOA design concept,the construction of a set of real-time and batch mechanism in the integration of customer information management system,by integrating customer information in the whole existing business system,for the business system to provide timely,complete and sharing,consistent customer information,establish enterprise customers a single view,within the scope of control for the use and management of customer information to provide services.Customer information management system(ECIF)using the WebService development framework,the use of OSB product prototype,and the whole grade customer view,to construct a customer in the whole class all business systems management services,at the same time,the customer data in batches of synchronous mechanism,implement open,including customer number customers merge,similar to the customer recognition,reserved phone number management etc,under different business scenarios for customer information consumption demand.From the perspective of software engineering,this thesis expounds the related engineering activities of demand analysis,general design,detailed design,system implementation and system test.The innovation of this thesis is to enhance business value by building a bank-wide view of customer information and providing timely,complete,Shared and consistent customer information management services.Firstly,the system integrates the customer data scattered in various business systems and establishes a unified view of customer information at the whole bank level.Secondly,based on the concept of SOA,it provides normative and standard customer information management services,providing comprehensive data support and transaction services for subsequent customer management,marketing management and risk management.
Keywords/Search Tags:SOA, WebService, customer view
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