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Design And Implementation Of Enterprise Office Automation Management System

Posted on:2018-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330596463243Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information technology,more and more people realize the importance of adding the traditional transaction mode and information technology combined.In our government agencies need to handle a large number of daily office matters,and often are,by way of human office paper material was added,this government has been handling model is clearly not meet the development trend of office automation,the traditional processing model not only the efficiency of government slow,and the information is not public,they tend to give a lot of negative public misleading information.Therefore,this issue binding Railway Bureau Chief Management System topic ExhibitionChief information management system is the link between the party's policies and party members,party members and cadres and grassroots party members between open government aims to create a platform to achieve smooth communication within the party,to build a bridge between the party and create a new pattern of grass-roots government work.The system is an important part of our government work,the party's 18 state-owned enterprises on China's government work put forward new and higher requirements,corporate government is facing a new situation,new challenges and new mission,which requires must realistically grassroots,lay a solid foundation,improve their work style,strengthen the building of grassroots organizations,grass-roots efforts to build a state-owned enterprise workers unite and lead the masses to implement the Party's theory,line,principles and policies,the implementation of the Party's fighting force deployment tasks.In this paper,the application background information management system of government,the status quo Railway Bureau Chief Office analyzed the specific information management needs of government management of the Railway Administration,the system uses ASP.NET technology,the system architecture of B / S model,the development of a scripting language as C #,this system for the daily management of government affairs office efficiency Railway Bureau,there is a very big improvement action.This paper analyzes the development of related technologies based systems,combined with display cases government office system requirements analysis and preliminary design and details of the implementation and testing of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-Government, B/S structure, .NET
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