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Design And Implementation Of Property Charge Management System

Posted on:2019-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330593451236Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years,the rapid development of China's real estate industry,industry competition is fierce,residential property management as the real estate service industry is the most important part of the quality of service directly affect the district sales.In addition,more and more residential users,service projects are increasingly diversified and complicated,increasing the workload of property management,in order to improve the quality of residential property management,the need to use modern computer technology,network technology and database technology to develop property information Management system,to further improve the level of property management services.This paper first analyzes the research background of property fee management system in detail,analyzes the status quo and solution of property management,summarizes the status quo of property fee management system,summarizes the research significance and content of the project,and then introduces the core development technology of the system,Namely B / S architecture,SQLServer database technology,Java development language and Eclipse development platform.Then,through the analysis of the demand of the system,and the use of system business flow chart and data flow diagram,the logical business functions of the system are derived,namely,parking management,house information maintenance and management,property cost management,property information entry,property advance Cost management,property expense report management,etc.,from the system consistency,integrity,ease of use and other aspects of the system performance analysis,to build a four-tier structure of the security management system.Then,this paper analyzes the design goals of the system,uses the structured process technology to model the detailed functions of the system,designs a fully functional database with ER diagram and relational table,and provides high performance database management for system data service processing system.Then,this paper uses Eclipse integrated development environment to achieve a sound property charge management system,and build a database server deployment function.Finally,this paper tests the system.The test results show that the system has good usability and usability,and can realize the system's good function.
Keywords/Search Tags:Property Charges, Database, Management System, B/S Architecture
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