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Development Of Electronic Commerce In Kazakhstan Using Chinese Experience

Posted on:2020-09-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:A N DaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330590951972Subject:International Economic and Trade
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In modern society,due to the rapid development of communication technologies in recent years,Internet has changed the way people access information and communicates with each other.E-commerce based on Internet technologies has become a major topic in the life of society.E-commerce is a type of online transaction.In a broad sense,if this is business activity via the Internet,it can be called e-commerce.One of the essences of e-commerce is the elimination or reduction of intermediate relations between producers and consumers in the process of turnover,as well as cost reduction and increased economic efficiency.Since its inception in 1995,in less than 20 years,China's electronic commerce has experienced three processes of continuous expansion and deepening from “tools”,“channels” to “infrastructure”.At present,Chinese Internet companies such as Alibaba are world leaders.In the huge e-commerce market,the volume of e-commerce transactions in China in 2018 reached 31.63 trillion yuan.This allowed Chinese companies to save $ 1.55 billion transaction costs.Although the scale of e-commerce in Kazakhstan is still small compared to e-commerce in China,Kazakhstan has made some progress in the development of e-commerce.According to data provided by,one of the most respected e-commerce companies in Kazakhstan,the volume of the e-commerce market in Kazakhstan in 2018 was $ 133 million.However,which way of developing e-commerce will Kazakhstan choose for its own situation,in the center of attention of many people?The essence of this document is to identify the problems faced by Kazakhstan in the development of electronic commerce,and to identify the lessons that Kazakhstan can learn from the experience of China.First,the document briefly presents the definition,characteristics,classification and role of e-commerce in economic activity.Then,in accordance with the development of e-commerce in China and data on the development of ecommerce in Kazakhstan in recent years,briefly describes the opportunities and challenges associated with e-commerce in Kazakhstan.Further,the problems existing in the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan are analyzed.Finally,some countermeasures to promote the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan and the experience of China are discussed.In the process of writing a thesis,data analysis and literature analysis methods are used to explain the arguments in this thesis.The main goal is to explore new ideas for the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan.The innovation of this thesis is to solve specific problems existing in the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan,and to offer China's experience for e-commerce in Kazakhstan.Since Kazakhstan only in recent years began to develop e-commerce,e-commerce is still in the process of continuous development and improvement.Kazakhstan can promote the development of national e-commerce,using China's experience of e-commerce.In the course of the research,author put forward several examples of Chinese experience: China's experience in managing large e-commerce operators;China's experience in using preferential policies to attract foreign investment in e-commerce;China's experience in improving logistics,electronic payments,etc.;China's experience in improving e-commerce technology;China's experience in improving e-commerce laws and regulations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kazakhstan, E-Commerce, China, Experience
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