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The Value Of TV Program On Poverty Alleviation

Posted on:2020-01-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2428330578457596Subject:Journalism and communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 2015,the government has paid more attention to poverty alleviation.In the decisive period of building a well-off society in an all-round way,poverty alleviation is no longer just a kind of government action,but a "battle against fortifications" that requires the participation of the whole society.As the mouthpiece of the Party and the government,TV stations can not be absent in this battle to fight against poverty.Poverty alleviation TV programs have emerged as the times require.In recent years,poverty-alleviation TV programs have developed rapidly and produced certain social repercussions.It is particularly important to study the existing value of this type of TV programs and explore how to enhance their value.Poverty-alleviation TV programs create typical poverty-alleviation models through vivid stories and flexible narrative techniques,and present poverty-alleviation policies in a "story-telling" way,which embodies their value in the "precise poverty alleviation" work.At the same time,poverty-alleviation TV programs innovate the concept of communication,by inviting public figures to participate in program recording,creating offline service platform and other ways,expand the channels of communication,so as to maximize the value of the columns.In the process of communication,poverty-alleviation TV programs fully reflect their media value and social value.On the one hand,poverty-alleviation TV programs enrich the content of TV programs,purify the media environment of over-entertainment and over-commercialization of TV programs,and create a positive image of the mainstream media with responsibility and love,which has certain media value.On the other hand,poverty-alleviation TV programs play a "link" role in "precise poverty alleviation",giving full play to the function of television media-transmitting poverty-alleviation information,guiding public opinion,mobilizing all sectors of society to join in "precise poverty alleviation",which has certain social value.However,there are still some factors restricting the promotion of the value of poverty-alleviation TV programs,such as selective screening of negative problems,homogenization of forms of expression and low audience viscosity.Aiming at these problems,poverty-alleviation TV programs should start from enhancing the breadth and depth of program content,enriching program content,and doing a good job of public opinion supervision;enriching program manifestations by using modern science and technology,and realizing innovation of TV programs;making use of all-media communication channels to create a brand of poverty-alleviation TV programs with credibility,influence and communication power,and upgrading poverty-alleviation TV programs.Column Value,Achieving Win-win of Social Effect and Media Effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:TV programs on poverty alleviation, TV programs, targeted poverty alleviation
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