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Graphic News Research In The Context Of Visual Communication

Posted on:2019-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F WangFull Text:PDF
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With the promotion of visual technology,media transformation,the demand for audience reading and the integration of commercial capital,graphic news has become a specific product of the era of visual communication.As a news form with the image as the core media,Graphic News realizes the transition from text-oriented to image-oriented.People's demand for news information has gradually escalated to visual consumption that is pursuing pleasure.The media has emphasized the visual “presence” scene that embodies the sense of integration of space-time and vividness from the perspective of creating a “live”sense of news that emphasizes timeliness.transition.In the communication practice with the coverage of the “graphics news” reports of the People's Network sessions,“Graphic News”closely reported on the agendas of the “two sessions” in the country and showed its visual communication in terms of both content production and visual presentation.Advantage.In terms of content production,the graphic news media uses a variety of multimedia means such as text,pictures,and animations to integrate a large amount of news information,and uses a picture as a carrier to perform multi-angle panoramic reproduction of news;through logic extraction and inductive summarization,picture stories are woven into news facts.Deeply explore the essence behind news events;match the habits of netizens in news language,popularize the translation of political language,and make high-level thinking take root.In terms of visual presentation,from the emphasis on the balance between color and composition,highlighting the “pleasure-reading” experience of the two conferences of graphic news;the“easy reading” of the two conferences from the emphasis on the double coding of texts and images to generate joint forces to highlight graphic news..Of course,as a product of the new era background,graphic news itself also has some inevitable defects.The lack of detailed portrayal of news,the homogenization of "graphics" modes,and the tendency of the pan-visualization of the means of communication to replace the dissemination of content may all be obstacles to the sustainable development of graphic news,and should be taken seriously.In the future,the graphic news should evolve towards a more simple and straightforward display of flat information,develop towards the diversification of visual elements,and form a positive interaction with the audience.At the same time,it should also strengthen the construction of related databases and accumulate materials for follow-up graphic news production.And provide more innovative perspectives.
Keywords/Search Tags:graphic News, visual communication, people's daily online, two sessions of the two diagrams
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