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The Image Ofchinain Polishmedia:Framing Analysisofthe Covrageinpolish Press

Posted on:2019-07-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Anna BryszkowskaFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Image of Chia in the Polish Media: Framin Analysis of the covrage in the Polisg Press research defines framing of China in Polish media as well as explores coverage differences between three chosen newspapers.What image of China breaks into the consciousness of Poles through the media? To what extent this image corresponds with the stereotypes of Polish readers,and in what way reflects the nature of the changes taking place behind the Great Wall? To exam the framing,this research will compare themes and favorability of published news.To analyze if media are influenced by stereotypes while picturing China,this sturdy will compare Polsih streotypes of China and Chinese with characteristcs of China portreyed by selected Polish media.This paper will analyze news stories related to China,collected wihin one year period.Content analysis was implemented to examine three popular polish newspapers,reporting on China.
Keywords/Search Tags:national image, China, sterotypes, media framing, Polish media, social construction of reality
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