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Research On The Effects Of Social Participation And Sense Of Equity On The Happiness Of The Elderly

Posted on:2021-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330623981180Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The problem of ageing populations has long been an inevitable social problem for countries.Actively coping with population aging has become an important part of national development strategies.At the second world conference on aging,the concept of "Active Aging" was formally put forward,which suggested that the elderly should actively participate in social life,be represented politically by the elderly and integrate into social life.In the 13 th five-year plan for the development of undertakings for the elderly and the construction of the pension system,China also called for "enhancing the sense of participation,acquisition and happiness of the elderly,and supporting the elderly to participate in social development".In this regard,we should make full use of the advantages that older people have over younger people,such as rich experience,extensive connections and time,rather than ignore their role as a burden on development.Under such a social background,this paper takes the happiness of the elderly as the research object in response to the call of "Active Aging".This paper investigates the effect and mechanism of social participation and fairness perception on the well-being of the elderly,so as to offer Suggestions for improving the well-being of the elderly.The research data used in this paper are from the sample survey data of China general social survey(CGSS)in 2015,covering 125 cities and counties(districts)in China.The actual sample size is 4,374 after selecting samples according to research needs and eliminating missing values.The participations of political activities and social organizations in the questionnaire were used as the measurement indexes of social participation,and the questions of social fairness and life happiness in the questionnaire were used as the measurement indexes of fairness perception and happiness.In this study,SPSS21.0 was used to process the database for quantitative analysis,and Logistic regression test,robustness test and other methods were adopted.This study investigated the differences in demographic variables of social activities,equity perceptions,and wellbeing among the elderly,and focused on analysis and discussion of the effects of participation in social activities and equity perception on elderly well-being.Empirical analysis leads to the following key conclusions:1.The self-rated happiness level of the elderly is generally high.The descriptive analysis shows that the elderly who think they are happy with their lives account for 79.1% of the total number of respondents,and only 7% of the elderly are relatively or very unhappy.Women are happier than men.From the perspective of age,compared with the younger elderly,the happiness of the middle-aged elderly is stronger,while the happiness of the older elderly is strengthened in a negative direction.With the increase of age,the happiness level first rises and then slightly declines.For the young elderly,the middle-aged elderly have adapted to the slow pace of life after retirement,and their physical condition is healthier than that of the elderly,so they have time and energy to pursue the spiritual life.Older people with spouses were happier than those without.The better your health and finances,the happier you are.2.The overall level of social participation of the elderly is not high.The elderly who participate in political activities account for 55.8% of the total number of respondents,while the elderly who participate in social organizations only account for 28.3%.According to the regression analysis,social participation has a significant positive impact on the happiness of the elderly.For every 1% increase in the participation in political activities and social organizations,the happiness of the elderly increases by 0.315% and 0.459% respectively.According to age,health and marital status,older,less fit and spousal seniors were happier to participate in political activities.Older people who were younger,in better health and with spouses were happier when they participated in social organizations.This indicates that the social participation enthusiasm of the elderly is affected by their physical and mental health: the better the physical and mental health status of the elderly,the more inclined to participate in social organizations and other physical activities;On the contrary,they are more inclined to participate in political activities and other intellectual activities.3.Most of the elderly think that today's society is fair.The survey shows that the elderly who think that the society is fair account for 57% of the total number of respondents.The sense of fairness has a significant positive impact on the happiness of the elderly.For every 1% increase in the sense of fairness,the happiness of the elderly increased by 1.283%.According to the grouping,the younger,the healthier and the older people with spouses were the more likely they were to be happy if they thought society was fairer.Impact and comparison of social activities on the wellbeing of the elderly,it is found that the perception of fairness has a greater impact on the happiness of the elderly,so the sense of fairness should be enhanced in the improvement of the happiness of the elderly.In this regard,from the three levels of government,society and individual family,this paper based on the perspective of active aging,makes Suggestions on enhancing the happiness of the elderly.Among them,special attention should be paid to the sense of fairness of the elderly,who participate in social activities and create a fairer social environment.At the same time,we should pay attention to the elderly with old age,poor physical condition and no spouse.When encountering difficulties in participating in social activities,we should give timely help,create targeted conditions and platforms,and broaden their participation channels,so that the elderly can better integrate into the society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Happiness of the elderly, Social participation, Fair perception
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