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Moral Sensitivity Of Primary School Teachers And Its Cultivation

Posted on:2021-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330620469302Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Teachers' moral sensitivity refers to teachers' perception and understanding of daily teaching activities,their perception and interpretation of moral problems in the situation based on teaching experience,and their use of educational tact to capture and respond to students' real situation and needs.The moral sensitivity of teachers includes sensitivity to freedom,sensitivity to care,sensitivity to justice,sensitivity to norms,sensitivity to respect,sensitivity to loyalty.The cultivation of teachers' moral sensitivity is helpful to the improvement of teachers' educational tact and the improvement of students' moral personality.According to scholars in Finland Kirsi Tirri and Petri Nokelainen moral sensitivity scale(ESSQ)and yuan-yuan li kindergarten teachers' ethical sensitivity questionnaire etc,prepare the suitable for elementary school teachers' moral development in our country elementary school teachers' moral sensitivity questionnaire,parts of primary school teachers in jiangxi province as object,study the elementary school teachers' current moral sensitivity.The following conclusions are drawn through the analysis:The moral sensitivity of primary school teachers is generally in good condition(M=141.84).The scores of the six first-level indicators were from high to low:normative moral sensitivity(M=4.3714)> just moral sensitivity(M=4.2)> respect moral sensitivity(M=4.1)> loyalty moral sensitivity(4.0)> care moral sensitivity(M=3.9)> free moral sensitivity(M=3.7).(2)the differences of primary school teachers' moral sensitivity level in gender,age,educational background,marriage and child-bearing situation,teaching age and school district are manifested in the significant differences of gender and educational background to the moral sensitivity of primary school teachers.The moral sensitivity level of female teachers is generally higher than that of male teachers,and the moral sensitivity level of highly educated teachers is higher than that of low-educated teachers.There was no significant difference in the moral sensitivity of primary school teachers in terms of age,teaching age,marriage and child-bearing,and school district.Although there is no significant difference between the level of teachers' moral sensitivity and their age,there is room for their moral sensitivity to increase with the growth of their age and teaching years.the moral sensitivity level of teacherswill be affected by the state of marriage and fertility,and those who are married and have children are significantly higher than those who are married and have no children;The moral sensitivity of rural teachers was higher than that of towns and cities in the distribution of schools.(3)the moral sensitivity level of primary school teachers will be influenced by the pre-service training of primary school teachers,school system and management culture,educational practice experience,teacher value orientation,teacher's professional character and important others.Based on the analysis of the influencing factors of the moral sensitivity of primary school teachers,the following Suggestions are put forward on how to cultivate the moral sensitivity of primary school teachers: standardize the selection and appointment mechanism and pay attention to the moral potential of teachers;Call for the unity and cooperation of teachers to form a good school spirit;Optimize vocational training and improve the moral structure of teachers;Strengthen the combination of teachers' knowledge and practice,and give implicit moral care;Strengthen self-reflection,firm value standpoint.
Keywords/Search Tags:elementary school, teachers' moral sensitivity, status quo survey, influencing factors, cultivation path
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