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Action Research On Case Teaching In The Course Of Morality And Rule Of Law In Junior Middle School

Posted on:2021-04-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330614457042Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The junior high school "moral and rule of law" case teaching is rich in content and diverse in presentation.There are many excellent works on the teaching design of case teaching in this course.However,after reviewing the relevant materials of "Case Teaching in the Course of Morality and the Rule of Law" in the junior middle school,the author found that the research on the effectiveness of case teaching in the course of "Morality and the Rule of Law" in the junior high school was still less.Most scholars only discuss the concept,advantages and suggestions of case teaching in junior high school's "Ethics and the Rule of Law" course,and student-centered case teaching research rarely mentioned.Action research is one of the research methods to demonstrate the effectiveness of teaching.In the course of action research,researchers through teaching practice and classroom observation,reflect on the problems existing in teaching,continuously improve the teaching design scheme,gradually improve the teaching goals,and achieve common progress of teachers and students.Compared with other research methods,action research runs through the entire implementation process of teaching,lasts longer,and covers a wide range.Therefore,this article mainly selects the action research method to study the case teaching of the ethics and rule of law course in junior high school.This article is divided into six parts,namely introduction,concept,current situation investigation and analysis,action implementation,research suggestions and conclusion.The introduction part mainly summarizes the research status and background.The second part is to define case teaching,action research and related concepts.In the third part,based on the problems observed in the teaching practice,we conducted a survey on the current situation of teachers and students in the school,analyzed the survey results,determined the specific case teaching action plan,and clarified the direction in which case teaching needs to be verified.The fourth part mainly records the process of case teaching of the "Moral and Rule of Law" course implemented by the researchers in the school.According to the actual situation of the school 's students and the school 's teaching arrangements,a two-round spiral“plan-implement-observe-reflect” action research model is adopted to continuously verify the effectiveness of case teaching while improving the deficiencies in actual teaching.The fifth part reflects on the value and shortcomings of the action research of the case teaching of "Moral and Rule of Law" in junior middle school,and putsforward corresponding suggestions.The last part is the summary and prospect of the case teaching action research on the course of Morality and Rule of Law in junior middle school.
Keywords/Search Tags:Course of Moral and Rule of Law in Junior Middle School, Case Teaching, Action Research
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