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A Study On The Influence Of Chinese Reading Teaching In High School On Students' Concept Of Right And Wrong

Posted on:2021-01-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2427330611950796Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
High school students are in the period of adolescent rebellion with the insufficiency of social experience and simple minds,which makes it easy for young students to be seduced and hoodwinked.Adolescence is the critical period for the formation of "right and wrong views",and students are highly malleable at this stage.In the electronic information society,internet has become the main source of access to information and a public platform to publish opinions.Moreover,the fragmented electronic reading has become one of the main ways for people to obtain information.Some Internet articles with strong personal bias are likely to misguide the public,especially high school students."Reading" is basic for people to obtain information,so that Chinese teaching has strong guidance because of its discipline characteristics.Therefore,it is an important way to cultivate the "right and wrong" views of senior high school students by training their abilities of reading,to keep them from being influenced by wrong opinions and bewitched by prejudice in this era of multiple values,and to form the habit of critical thinking.This paper is divided into five parts.The first part is the introduction,which mainly describes the concept of "right and wrong" and its impact,as well as the research status' analysis and practical significance of the topic,aiming to illustrate the necessity of guiding the concept of right and wrong to high school students through Chinese reading teaching in the network information age.The second part is the analysis of the status quo of the cultivation of right and wrong views in Chinese reading teaching in senior high schools.It expounds the feasibility of the cultivation of right and wrong views in Chinesereading teaching from four aspects: the need of talent selection,the requirements of curriculum objectives,the embodiment of different teaching methods and the problems in practical teaching.The third part is a questionnaire survey and teaching practice for teachers and students of three classes in Yan'an Experimental Middle School.The first questionnaire is used to investigate the status quo of right and wrong views of students in the three classes,and the second questionnaire is conducted after the observation of lectures and the guidance of teaching practices.Through the questionnaire survey and case analysis,it is concluded that the cultivation of critical thinking in Chinese reading teaching in senior high school is conducive to the formation of healthy right and wrong views of students,and the student-oriented classroom model is conducive to the cultivation of critical thinking.The fourth part is the comparative analysis of the results of two questionnaires,looking for the connection point between the high school Chinese teaching and the construction of students' right and wrong views,trying to analyze the feasible and effective teaching methods that are conducive to the formation of "right and wrong views" of senior high school students under Chinese reading teaching.As a result,the sense of permeability in high school Chinese reading teaching improvement strategies are proposed: 1.Implement the student-based concept and implement the student-based class.2.Expand the reading media,improve the ability to identify.3.Grasp the "three balance",build a harmonious relationship.The fifth part is the conclusion part,which describes the confusion and unsolved problems in the investigation.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school Chinese teaching, right and wrong views, Reading teaching, Critical thinking
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