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Constructing High School Art Lesson Through Tujia Nuo Mask

Posted on:2021-05-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y G QinFull Text:PDF
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As an important carrier of ethnic culture of Enshi Autonomous Prefecture,Tujia Nuo mask represents the wisdom and art ingenuity of Tujia people.In decades,research about culture of Nuohas been frequently conducted nationwide.Given the particular location,a unique Tujia mask culture has been generated in Enshi Autonomous Prefecture.In order to take advantage of this local art resource and further to awake education in art,enrich teaching methodology and evoke the sense of national pride among students,the study Constructing High School Art Lesson Through Tujia Nuo Mask has been completed.This study is composed of three parts.The first part is mainly about fundamental research of theoretical background.The artistic pattern has been analyzed in terms of modeling,color,process,aestheticand metaphor.In the second part,how Nuo mask applied in class as educational resource has been discussed,in which include the use and significance of resources.The third part including the basis of methodology design and case study which demonstrate the process of how the class would work and then improved from students' feedback.After the practice,according to the problems such as lack of concentration of class hours,shortage of teachers and difficulty in realizing woodcut teaching,the idea of setting up a "second class" of fine arts was put forward.The Nuo mask teaching in the future should be carried out in depth,and it also needs the support of parents,schools and the government from all walks of life.This study combined theoretical research and filed investigation,developed practical lessons/methods which utilized Tujia Nuo mask resource to construct high school art class that based on their artistic feature and development.The short term goal of this study is to improve students' folk cultures aesthetic;as for the long term goal,is to arouse the potential sense of inheriting Nuo culture among young generation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tujia Nuo mask, high school art, folk cultures
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