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Research On The Construction Of We Chat Public Platform In Colleges And Universities In The Media Age

Posted on:2021-02-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F FengFull Text:PDF
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In recent years,with the rapid development of information technology,especially the development of 5G communication technology,smart phones have been promoted in all directions.The development of media integration has become an important development trend for many enterprises and institutions to promote all-round publicity.More and more colleges and universities use WeChat public account,Weibo,Douyin account and other official official new media accounts to publish relevant information in order to In the face of teachers and students,alumni,student parents and other groups,it can effectively achieve the effect of publicity and education guidance.Based on integrating media era WeChat public platform construction of colleges and universities selected topic background of research,found based on the current WeChat public issue of the construction of the new media research departments and secondary colleges,public construction,and ideological and political education research association,education function aspects and official path analysis in the construction of new media platforms.The construction of new media platform in local colleges and universities is of great significance in carrying out the task of cultivating people with morality,promoting the realization of the function of educating people,contributing to the all-round service of the school center,building the communication bridge between teachers and students,enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the campus for teachers and students,and promoting the cultivation of civilization.By carrying out the questionnaire research on the audience demand survey on the construction of WeChat public platform in universities in the era of media integration,the author analyzed and combed the data of 516 questionnaires,combined with the interview data of 6 new media work instructors,and explored the existing problems in the construction of new media platform in local universities based on WeChat public number.Through in-depth analysis,the author believes that the construction of WeChat public platform of local colleges and universities is uneven,and the contents released by the platform have significant differences in emphasis.And from the university WeChat public platform management inconvenience,content innovation is insufficient,the operation team ability is weak,audience interaction is poor,audit management mechanismis not sound and so on.Through the research,the author puts forward the optimal path for the construction of WeChat public platform in universities in the era of media integration: first,strengthen the collaborative operation of WeChat public platform in universities and promote the standardized management mechanism;Second,pay attention to the improvement of content quality,create high-quality topics;Third,strengthen the management and training of the WeChat public platform operation team;Fourth,accurately research the needs of the audience,enhance the interaction and communication;Fifth,establish and improve the school's new media propaganda content audit management mechanism.Based on the above research,it provides reference for the development of WeChat public platform construction of local universities in the current era of media integration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Financial media, universities, construction of WeChat public platform
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