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Research On Rhetoric Teaching In Grade Seven Chinese Modern Prose

Posted on:2020-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The Compulsory Education Chinese Curriculum Standards(2011 Edition)puts forward requirements for the Chinese language curriculum to improve students' language literacy,that is,to guide students to enrich their language accumulation,to master the basic methods of learning Chinese,to have the reading and writing ability,which is required to adapt to social life.Ability,etc.The role played by rhetoric is to understand the essence of language use from the rhetorical phenomenon and to enhance ability of the comprehension,expression and appreciation of language.It is in line with the requirements of the "Chinese Curriculum Standards".In order to make the research more in-depth,the author chooses to use the "rhetoric teaching of modern prose in the grade seven" as the research object,and tries to explore it based on the research results of the predecessors in this direction,that is,using the rhetorical knowledge to realize and appreciate the seventh-grade modern prose.Thereby achieving the teaching purpose of the grade seven modern prose.The thesis is divided into five parts.The introduction is mainly about the origin and significance of the research,the research current situation and the research methods.On the one hand,based on the collation and categorization of the texts in the seventh-grade Chinese textbooks compiled by the Ministry of Education,it is found that modern prose accounts for a large proportion in the texts of the grade seven,and the importance of rhetoric in teaching is also reflected in the textbooks;On the one hand,based on the demand of rhetoric in modern education and social communication,and the current research status of modern prose rhetoric teaching in middle school,the author believes that it is imperative to conduct rhetorical teaching research on modern prose in the grade seven.The first part of the text summarizes the rhetorical features of modern prose in the grade seven.By analyzing the language of modern prose in the grade seven,it is concluded that the rhetoric in the modern prose of the grade seven has the characteristics of simplicity and subtly,harmony and intricacy,and beauty of richness,paving the way for the rhetorical teaching research of the grade seven modern prose.The second part of the text is the survey and analysis of the current situation of modern prose rhetoric teaching in the grade seven.Based on the analysis of the finishing and rhetorical features of the grade seven modern prose,the author conducted the following surveys on the teachers and students who used the grade seven textbooks in the H city S: the status of the teachers and students on the "rhetoric",the teaching status of the rhetorical content in the modern prose,the teaching status of the rhetorical method in the modern prose,and the current situation of the rhetoric application of the students.This concludes the problems in the teaching of modern prose rhetoric in the grade seven and analyzes its formation.That is,the current grade seven modern prose teaching described as follows: the lack of rhetorical teaching content,the single analysis of rhetoric,and the lack of reference and standardization students' rhetorical application.The third part of proposes the rhetorical teaching strategy of the grade seven modern prose.First of all,based on the clear understanding of the concept,theoretical knowledge and value of rhetoric in modern prose,the rhetorical teaching content of modern prose in the grade seven is clarified,that is,rhetorical teaching from the aspects of words,sentence patterns and rhetoric.Secondly,in order to solve the problem of single rhetoric analysis in the modern prose of the grade seven,this problem is solved from the perspective of the type of modern prose and the language style of the prose.Finally,according to the current situation of students' current rhetoric application,two strategies are proposed: on the one hand,the rhetoric in the grade seven modern prose is applied to the writing;on the other hand,the rhetoric application in the writing of the grade seven students is standardized.The conclusion part is the summary and reflection of the content of the thesis.Because the research on rhetoric teaching of modern prose in the grade seven involves two aspects of modern prose and rhetoric,it is necessary to analyze the requirements of the "Chinese curriculum standards" and the academic conditions.In addition,there are some problems in the paper that are not concerned about but affect the development of the subject,but this paper hopes to make some contributions to the rhetoric teaching of the grade seven modern prose.
Keywords/Search Tags:grade seven "Chinese", modern prose, rhetoric teaching, research
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