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The Investigation And Analysis On Malay Secondary Students Of Malaysia Acquiring Chinese Euphemism

Posted on:2020-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X L i m H a n s i a n g Full Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578974558Subject:Chinese international education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Euphemism is a phenomenon shared by many languages,and its existence is important for the composition of each language.Its function is not only to help users communicate more smoothly,but also the use of euphemism can show the user's politeness and decentness,highlighting its pragmatic value.Only by mastering the similarities and differences between the mother tongue and the target language and the inherent cultural meaning can we use euphemism more appropriately.In actual life communication,people often use euphemism to avoid misunderstanding and friction in communication.For Chinese speakers who are in a multi-ethnic,linguistic and religious country,the mastery and application of euphemism is especially important.Based on the Chinese euphemism,this paper analyzes the definition,formation and pragmatic functions of Chinese euphemism from various angles.In addition,the author also investigated the acquisition and mastery of Chinese euphemism among Malay middle school students in Malaysian National Chinese Language School,analyzed the reasons for the low level of acquisition,and finally proposed improvement measures based on the actual situation of Malaysian National Chinese Secondary School.This paper is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction of this paper.This part explains the current research status of Chinese euphemism,the purpose and significance of this paper,and the research methods and research scope of the thesis.The second chapter focuses on the ontology of Chinese euphemism.Chinese euphemisms have produced different definitions under different perspectives.This chapter goes on to explain the reasons for the formation of Chinese euphemism,and they are language taboo,Confucian culture,hierarchy and communicative psychology.At the end of this chapter,the pragmatic functions of Chinese euphemism are discussed,which are the avoidance function,the polite function,the cover function and the elegance seeking function.The third chapter discusses the investigation and analysis of the situation of Malay Chinese middle school students acquiring Chinese euphemism.The author distributed a questionnaire to Malay middle school students from Malaysian National Chinese Secondary School to investigate the actual situation of acquiring Chinese euphemism.The survey section of the chapter explains the survey object,the design of the questionnaire and the statistics of the survey results.According to the statistical results of the questionnaires,the author combined the teacher interviews and analyzed the three main reasons which led to the low performance of Malay middle school students' mastery Chinese euphemism.The Three reasons are the reasons of the teachers,the reasons of the textbooks and the reasons of the learners.The fourth chapter discusses the teaching strategies for the Chinese euphemism of Malay middle school students.In response to the actual situation of Chinese euphemisms of Malay middle school students in Malaysian National Chinese Secondary School,the author puts forward some suggestions for improvement from the textbooks and teaching methods.These suggestions are supplemented by the lack of teaching materials,with contextual teaching,strengthening the euphemism comparison between Chinese and Malay,using mind mapping teaching and using the era of Chinese euphemism.The fifth chapter summarizes the main points of this paper,pointing out the shortcomings and hopes of the paper.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Euphemism, Malays, Acquisition, Investigation and analysis
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