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Research On Hubei Education Transformation Under Zhang Zhidong's Administration

Posted on:2020-10-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G S YouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2417330578452762Subject:History of education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a late Qing dynasty,Zhang Zhidong has served as an important official in Hubei's modern history,such as Hubei Xuezheng,Sichuan Xuezheng,Shanxi Governor,the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi,the Governor of Huguang,the Governor of Liangjiang,and the Minister of Military Aircraft.He has had a major impact on China's modern economy,military,culture,education and many other aspects,and has greatly promoted the development of China's modernization.Zhang Zhidong was appointed as the Governor of Huguang for the longest period of time,and it was also the period of his most energetic period.Zhang Zhidong managed Hubei from a comprehensive perspective,starting from Hubei's economy,military,industry,education and other fields.The reform of education is a prominent feature of Hubei's reform.In the fifteenth year of Guangxu(1889),Zhang Zhidong became the governor of Huguang and opened the difficult course of modern education transformation in Hubei.He tried to change the educational concept from"passing through to use"to"using Chinese and Western culture";from a single political talent To the training goal of multi-talented personnel;the curriculum construction from,study for economics to use"to"the use of Western learning";the teaching team from traditional instructors to full-time instructors,the teaching evaluation model from Western studies to both Chinese and Western;from experience management to science The relevant elements of education such as management education management are breakthroughs,and their educational ideas of"Chinese,Western,and Western"are practiced.Due to the location of Hubei in the country,the education reform in Hubei led by Zhang Zhidong showed that the concept of local chief executive directly affects the development of regional education;the education behind the scenes as an aid;the formation of the modernization model led by cultural education;The characterization of the modernization transformation of education such as breakthroughs.Zhang Zhidong's political reform in Hubei promoted the modernization of Hubei society;cultivated military talents,objectively promoted the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911;promoted the establishment of a new school in the country;modernization of book publishing;modernization of education led the modernization of the economy.Although Zhang Zhidong's educational reforms are only limited to a province in Hubei,the impact is national.Zhang Zhidong integrated the school-running experience gained by Hubei into the educational documents with national influences such as the"School of the School Charter",which was eventually participated in the education reform throughout the country,and promoted the modernization of education in the whole country.Zhang Zhidong is committed to saving the rule of the Qing Dynasty.The development of history is not as much as he thought.Under the torrent of the times,his measures to save the nation have become a booster for the revolution.The culprit became the hero of the Revolution of 1911.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang Zhidong, ruling, Hubei education transformation, new school, modernization
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