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The Practice Of Music Creation In Primary School Music Teaching

Posted on:2019-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X GeFull Text:PDF
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With the all-round promotion of quality education,the improvement of the quality of the whole people and the cultivation of students' creativity have become an urgent task for us to teach and teach.The primary school shoulders the mission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and also the successor of the national construction.We must learn not only the basic knowledge,but also the innovation and development,so that we can take a foothold in the society and bear the burden of building the country.Teachers are also the implementers of the national basic education policy,and the implementers of specific educational content.The creative ability of education and teaching has a direct impact on the basic quality of music teachers and the quality of classroom teaching,and has a profound influence on the art of teachers' classroom teaching.Therefore,it is necessary to cultivate the creative ability of the primary school students and to carry out the teaching of music creation."Music curriculum standard for compulsory education"(2011Edition)points out that music is a very creative art.As an important part of music teaching content,creative teaching plays a very important role in giving full play to students' imagination,developing students' thinking potential and training innovative talents in the new century.Music creation is the core of music creation teaching.It not only effectively verifies the students' thinking level,but also excavates students' creative thinking and guides students' imaginative teaching activities.At the same time,it is also an important learning platform for students to accumulate creative experience.As the most abundant imagination and divergent thinking ability of pupils,love fun creating games,so interesting,as long as the correct creation activities,the right to mobilize the enthusiasm of students,guide the students to actively participate in the classroom,change the traditional teaching way,can greatly awaken and explore the children's interest and potential to create music.In the whole process of editing,we can not only arouse students' enthusiasm in learning music,but also give full play to their imagination,creativity and thinking potential.At the same time,it also allows students to accumulate more experience and creativity in music creation,which is very important for training innovative talents with practical ability.Through the teaching practice in the city of Hohhot steel railway second primary school,will use music creation activities in classroom teaching and finished the paper in practice in the process of writing,mainly to explore the practice from the following aspects: the creation of music activities in primary school music class in the development of music creation activities,teaching practice,the author in teaching in the practice of harvesting and need to pay attention to the problem and teaching significance of music creation in music class in the primary school.Through the process of various types of editing activities completed by students in music class,and combining with the music curriculum standard(2011 Edition),I made some reflections on the creation of primary school music.This paper will be combined with relevant information,on the primary school music creation cases are collected,analyzed and summarized,combined with their own teaching practice by comparing its essence,innovation,according to the author's own opinion to design a series of interesting creative activities,timely solve the problems encountered in the activity.And summing up the experience,the design of the creation of the activities gradually mature.Hope that through the teaching practice of primary school music creation to explore,to benefit the improvement of primary school music education innovation,to cultivate students' interest in music has improved,to cultivate students' thinking has been enhanced,to cultivate students' innovation consciousness has improved,making music,play a significantrole in the overall development of comprehensive quality of the students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music creation, teaching practice, primary music
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