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Research On Music Teaching For Children With Visual Impairment In Special Schools

Posted on:2019-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q GuanFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the vigorous development of China's economy and production capacity and the improvement of the people's life index,the country's investment in education has gradually increased.More and more people are paying attention to visually impaired education,and cities have also established blind schools and special schools.Receive visually impaired students to enter school.Visually impaired children,as a disadvantaged group of special students,have more limitations in their visual acuity than deaf children.The psychological pressure they face and the pressure in all aspects of society are increasing day by day.Their development of personality and interpersonal communication With many influences,good music education plays a crucial role in the physical and mental health and personality development of visually impaired children.How to correctly teach them is the most important task in the current teaching task.This study is based on the education status of visually impaired children in the Linyi City Special Education Center.Through the exploration of the hardware facilities,teacher resources,curriculum,and classroom effects of the visually impaired center's music education,it seeks out problems and actively explores Linyi City Special Education Center for visually impaired children music teaching feasibility program.There are five parts in this thesis: The first part is the introduction part,discusses the source of the topic,the current research status and research methods of this study,expounds the purpose and significance of the research of this thesis,and the second part is the overview of related concepts.The characteristics of children with disabilities and educational concepts;the third part is theinvestigation of the status quo of music education in visually impaired centres and proposes the problems found;the fourth part proposes the development plan for problems in visually impaired music education and the classroom application in teaching;The fifth part is the conclusion part,summarizes the full text and makes a summary.Based on literature research methods,questionnaire survey methods,interview methods,and other research methods,this dissertation carries out multiple analysis of the theory and practice.Based on the mature international science teaching method,it proposes relevant information according to the actual situation of visually impaired students in special education centers.The ideas and framework enable students to better experience music,experience music and express music,improve their musical perception ability,enhance their self-confidence and coordination ability,and compensate for the psychological obstacles caused by their physical defects in music lessons.The purpose of promoting the development of balance between physical and mentally impaired children.
Keywords/Search Tags:Special school, Visually impaired children, Music teaching
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