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Junior Middle School Language "Tutor" Teaching Present Situation Investigation And Countermeasures Research

Posted on:2016-03-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H DuFull Text:PDF
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"Language new curriculum standard" in the second part of the course objectives in article 7: "has the ability of independent reading,pay attention to emotional experience,has the rich accumulation,form good language sense.Learn to use a variety of reading methods.Can a preliminary understanding and appreciation of literary works,by the noble sentiment and interest influence,and the development of personality,enrich their spiritual world.To use reference books.To read the simple classical Chinese nine years of extracurricular reading should be at least 4 million words in total." But in the actual teaching process,the Chinese teacher in the teaching of "tutor" teaching how to carry out the task,whether students meet the requirements of the new standard of reading goal? Based on the source of xihe county han longnan city junior high school students as the research object,using the test method,questionnaire survey method,observation method and case analysis and other research methods,of the university students' Chinese present conditions of the "tutor",and analyzes the related reasons,put forward the corresponding countermeasures.Through the investigation and study showed that the xihe hanyuan junior middle school students overall level of classics reading ability is very low.Mainly displays in: reading quantity is little,reading speed is slow,poor overall awareness,appreciation and evaluation ability is low,the migration using ability is insufficient,lack of imagination and creativity of thinking,from the curriculum requirements to achieve a high school student's reading goals and gap.Study found that the main cause of low classics reading ability in junior high school students in our school are:(1)the classroom teaching teacher speak read on textbook content is given priority to,basic is not involved,classics reading teaching is very few,classics reading is to cope with the exam.(2)students failed to develop good reading habits,interest in the language learning is not strong.Students spent a lot of time on other subjects of study.(3)schools and society to value the low degree of language learning.Because of the influence of the exam-oriented education,many teachers think that good read classics,is is a waste of time,so affect students' grades;Parents opposed to read more,think that affect children grades improved.(4)poor family reading condition,school and society to provide the reading environment is not good,school and society to the students to read not enough attention.In view of the students in our school on the problems existing in the teaching of "tutor",through investigation and study,I summarized the following countermeasures:(1)arouse the students' interest in reading classics.(2)the flexible teaching methods for teachers is to strengthen reading classics.(3)to enhance the overall Chinese accomplishment of the Chinese teacher to build professional teachers.(4)the school is reasonable,assessment classics reading teaching implement.5.School,family,society and make reading part of student life.
Keywords/Search Tags:tutor, The teaching status, Countermeasure research
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