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Research On The Distribution Of Teachers In Primary School In Laos

Posted on:2019-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F Y T H O N L A M Y K H A Full Text:PDF
GTID:2417330548968071Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper studies the allocation of Laos primary education teachers,and uses the Mix Method of Quantitative Data and Qualitative Data.The data comes from in-depth interviews and related statistical tables.The interviewees are from Phongsaly,Xiengkhuang,Huaphanh,Luang Prabang,Xayaboury,Khammouane,Savannakhet,Champasak and Attapeu nine provinces 27 counties and the city of 102 Center Park The province,city,school management and teachers of individual responsibility.In accordance with the "Relevant Decree of the Teacher"(No.2012[177])and the"Guide for the Collection of Appointment Plan of Teachers for Education"(No.2014[0047]),the implementation of resolutions requires the recruitment and distribution of teachers.Analysis and research found that the shortage of teachers and the coexistence of surplus existed in various localities and schools.However,the majority of the teachers' surplus was in cities,and most teachers' shortages occurred in suburban and remote areas because of the calculation of teacher students.As can be seen from the ratio of teachers,the average in remote areas is higher than the benchmark set by government resolutions.The reason for this is that the teacher demand plan,teacher training plan,and teacher preparation plan are not suited to each other and are unclear.Specifically,the teacher surplus is because the teacher demand plan has not been established from the school level and the school only submits teacher applications or The plan is for the County Education and Sports Bureau,but it is not based on the teachers' schedule.After that,the County Educati.on and Sports Bureau sent the collected data to the Provincial Education and Sports Department,and after summarizing it,submitted it to the Ministry of Education and Sports for the purpose of applying to the government for the teacher demand plan.The shortage of teachers is due to the unclear development of teacher demand plans,the limitation of teacher quotas,and the incompatibility of professional teachers with the specialties required by schools.Therefore,the corresponding countermeasures are:to improve the linkage between supply and demand for teachers in primary education in Laos;to improve teacher recruitment and distribution;to adjust teacher qualifications that are inconsistent with qualifications;to improve the treatment of teachers.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laos, primary education, teacher preparation
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