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Study On The Migration And Resettlement Of Baiguishan Reservoir In Henan Province

Posted on:2020-10-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2416330575493046Subject:China's modern history
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Since ancient times,China has been a country with serious floods and droughts.However,since modern times,external aggression has continued,domestic unrest has continued,national strength has declined,water conservancy is out of repair,floods and droughts have seriously threatened the national economy and people's livelihood.After the founding of the People's Republic of China,in order to restore and develop agricultural productivity and reduce the occurrence of flood and drought disasters,the country launched a large-scale water control campaign,and harnessing the Huaihe River became the beginning of this campaign.In order to control the flood and waterlogging disasters in the Huaihe River Basin,in October 1950,the State Council formed the Huaihe River Governance Committee to plan and lead the work of Huaihe River Governance.In accordance with the plan for the control of the Huai river,the state council decided to carry out a key flood storage project in the upper reaches of the Huai river.On the other hand,by retaining the water flow,it can turn the water into treasure and provide sufficient water for the production and living in the surrounding areas.Huaihe river floods from the Huaihe river on the source,the birthplace of the Huaihe river and its largest quicksand Shaying river are located in the territory of henan province,therefore,become the key unit to carry out the work of harnessing the Huaihe river,in Henan province governance Shaying river harnessing the Huaihe river has been an important part of work,Baiguishan mountain reservoir is a governance Shaying river and built a large reservoir.Baiguishan reservoir is located on the main stream of Shahe river in the southwest suburb of Pingdingshan city,Henan province.Construction of the reservoir began in December 1958.By October 1962,the initial construction of the reservoir was completed.However,it is worth noting that influenced by the "great leap forward" movement,the design and construction of the reservoir excessively pursued "big and fast",which led to problems in the engineering design and construction quality.The reservoir had to be renewed in November 1963,and the reservoir was completed and accepted in December 1966.At the beginning of the reservoir construction,influenced by the prevailing idea of "heavy reservoir,light migration",the reservoir migration work was not paid enough attention,and many problems arose.With the start of the reservoir construction project,the number of immigrants increased further,which brought more difficulties to the relocation of immigrants.The party and government made great efforts to solve the migration problem,but the results were limited due to the weak economic strength of the country at that time.After the beginning of the "cultural revolution",the party and government organs were impacted,and the follow-up resettlement work of the reservoir immigrants also stalled.After the reform and opening up,the focus of the country's work shifted to economic construction,and agriculture,as the foundation of the national economy,received greater attention.In order to further liberate and develop rural productivity,the state began to consciously provide more policy and financial support for agriculture,rural areas and farmers.Meanwhile,with the liberation of their minds,the immigrant groups who made great sacrifices for the reservoir construction began to express their dissatisfaction.The problem of reservoir resettlement has drawn the attention of the party and the government.Under this background,various policies and measures began to tilt toward immigrants,the production and life of immigrants in Baigushan reservoir ushered in a huge turnaround.The development of the reservoir area and the development of the individual economy have brought new sources of income for immigrants,and the overall living standard of immigrants has been significantly improved.This paper thinks that the construction of Baigushan reservoir is necessary and its completion is a great achievement.However,in the "great leap forward" period,water conservancy construction was spread too much,and the social and economic conditions at that time were not enough to support such a large-scale project construction.The masses,especially immigrants,made great contributions and sacrifices for it.After the completion of the reservoir,great economic and social benefits have been brought into play,providing sufficient water for the development of industrial and agricultural production around the reservoir,as well as an important source of domestic water for Pingdingshan city,which provides a strong guarantee for the social and economic development of Pingdingshan city.Economic development also promoted the development of reservoir area,which objectively promoted the settlement of the immigration problem.
Keywords/Search Tags:History of water conservancy, Baiguishan reservoir, immigration, Relocation and resettlement, Henan province
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