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The Investigation Research On The English Teaching Qualities

Posted on:2021-05-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F LiuFull Text:PDF
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In June 2014,the National Conference on Vocational Education was held,and the cause of vocational education in China has developed rapidly.General secretary Xi Jinping also issued important instructions on speeding up the development of vocational education,putting forward ardent expectations for vocational education to “strive to train hundreds of millions of high-quality workers and skilled personnel.”At the National Education Conference held in September 2018,General Secretary Xi Jinping made a fresh judgment on the status and role of education,putting forward for the first time that education is a great plan for the country and the party,and the Congress put education to an unprecedented height.On January 24,2019,the State Council issued the Notice on the Implementation Plan for the Reform of National Vocational Education,the notice stressed that “vocational education and general education are two different types of education and have the same important status.” Since the introduction of the reform and opening-up policy,vocational education has provided strong talent and intellectual support for China's economic and social development.Therefore,the quality of teaching in vocational education,specially in secondary vocational schools,has attracted more and more attention from all walks of life.The quality of teaching is not only the lifeline of the development of secondary vocational schools,but also an important symbol of a school.To provide students with high-quality teaching,attach importance to the degree of students' satisfaction,and find out the advantages and disadvantages in the process of education in time for educators,so as to promote the strengths and avoid the weaknesses,improve the quality of teaching,and finally achieve the high-quality development of students.In the current evaluation system of teaching quality,the government,schools,teachers and employing units are often regarded as the main body of evaluation,thus ignoring the establishment of the evaluation model of teaching quality,in which students themselves are the “consumer group”.On the other hand,although a large number of scholars have carried out extensive argumentation and research on the relationship between quality and the degree of customer satisfaction in the business field,and have made good results applied to real life,however,in the field of education,especially the English teaching research in secondary vocational schools is still very weak.Therefore,this research has important research values.Based on the theories of the degree of customer satisfaction,interest-related and quality,this study proposes a five-dimensional measurement system of English teaching quality in secondary vocational schools through the analysis of the literature,it includes English teaching resources,resources on English teachers,English curriculum construction,English teaching management and English teaching effect.Based on the data collected from the questionnaire and interview survey on the quality of English teaching and the satisfaction survey of students in the technical secondary school affiliated to Hebei Foreign Studies University,this paper makes a research on the related data.The findings are as follows: As an important indicator of teaching quality evaluation,student satisfaction in secondary vocational schools has a great impact on the quality of English teaching.Therefore,on the one hand,schools should protect students' rights as "consumers" to improve the quality of English teaching in secondary vocational schools.On the other hand,we should actively guide students to make a correct evaluation and organize students to conduct a survey on their satisfaction with the quality of English teaching,so as to ensure a good teaching effect,so as to improve the quality of English teaching in secondary vocational colleges and students' satisfaction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching Qualities, Students Satisfaction, Secondary Vocational School
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