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The Translation Practice Report On Water Security For Ecosystems,Ecosystems For Water Security

Posted on:2021-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S S YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330611968269Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the aggravation of global resource crisis,water resource has become more of a scarce strategic resource rather than a basic natural resource.Water security is not only a resource issue,but also a major strategic issue related to the sustainable development of social economy and the long-term peace and stability of a country.Therefore,all walks of life are paying more and more attention to water security.With the call of building a global community of common destiny,countries urgently need to enhance exchanges and mutual learning on water security issues.The source text of this report is selected from chapter 9 of Water Security: Principle,Perspectives and Practices,which is one of the water culture series published by Routledge since 2013.This book is an academic texts of collection,which includes the latest and most authoritative research results of the western academic circles.It has important academic value can help the relevant scholars in China to study water security issues,which may provide practical suggestions for government departments to build a long-term interest mechanism for water security.In the last century,Eugene A.Nida put forward the theory of functional equivalence,which aims to reproduce the original information with the closest and most natural equivalent so that the target readers can fully understand the original information.According to Newmark's Text Typology,Water Security: Principle,Perspectives and Practices is an informative function text,which aims to convey objective and accurate information to readers.It conforms to the purpose of information transmission in the functional equivalence theory.Therefore,the theory of functional equivalence has a positive guidance to the translation practice of an academic text.The report is divided into five parts.The first part outlines the background and significance of the translation project,as well as a brief analysis of the original text;The second part is the process description,including preparation work,first draft translation,post-translation modification and the difficulties encountered in translation;The third part is about the introduction of the guiding theory in translation,namely Nida's functionalequivalence theory.In the fourth part,this report analyzes the translation methods of the academic text from the perspectives of lexical,semantic and textual,so as to achieve functional equivalence between the original and target text;The last part is the conclusion,the translator concludes some major findings of the whole translation project as well as the demerits of the translation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water Security, Ecosystems, Academic text, Functional equivalence theory
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