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A Report On The Translation Of Food Security And Scarcity(Chapter One)

Posted on:2020-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M J CuiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis is a translation practice report.The original text,Food Security and Scarcity,was published in 2015 by the University of Pennsylvania Press and the Center for Global Development.The author,C.Peter Timmer,is a well-known American economist.This book is a highly academic social science monograph,which presents the author's research results for decades,mainly from the economic perspective to analyze food security issues,covering economic,political,agricultural and other fields.It is of great significance to China's food security issue.The report is based on the first chapter Setting the Stage:Food Scarcity and Food Price"taken from the book and is divided into four parts:The first part briefly introduces background and the significance of the project.The second part describes the translation process in detail,including the pre-translation preparation major difficulties in translating,and the proofreading and revising of the translated text.The third part is a case study,which explores the guiding role of functional equivalence theory at lexical level and syntactic level in specific English-Chinese translation cases.The fourth part summarizes the translation experience,and finds out the insufficiencies of the translation.On the basis of Nida's functional equivalence theory,the author practiced the flexible use of translation methods and techniques of literal translation and free translation,like division,amplification and omission,etc.,striving to achieve accurate and unified translation of the source text into the target text,in simple and understandable language,and with natural and smooth textual cohesion,so as to achieve equivalence with the meaning and style of the original text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food Security and Scarcity, translation practice report, English-Chinese translation
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