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A Report On The Translation Of Teaching And Learning In Lower Secondary Schools In The Era Of PISA And TIMSS (Chapters 1-3)

Posted on:2020-02-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X FanFull Text:PDF
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The author selects the first three chapters of the book named Teaching and Learning in Lower Secondary Schools in the Era of PISA and TIMSS published by Springer International Publishing Switzerland,which is co-authored by educationists named Kirsti Klette,Ole K.Bergem,Astrid Roe et the University of Oslo,Norway,as her translation report.The book explores three areas concerning junior high classes in teaching and learning for PISA: science,mathematics,and reading.Based on a large number of video archives of science,mathematics and reading classes in Norwegian secondary schools,it analyses how to provide teaching experience and learning opportunities for students in these three disciplines.The one studies video documentation deeply,combining with analysis of PISA results in Norway,and understands how to improve the teaching methods of science,mathematics and reading.Based on Europe,this book discusses the teaching challenges of contemporary junior high schools,draws lessons from psychometrics and the professional knowledge of micro-teaching classroom research which is based on video archives for teaching analysis in specific fields(mathematics,science and reading).The paper puts forward how to deal with communication problems effectively under different teaching modes,and presents possibilities that comparing and analyzing teaching patterns and discourse practices affect students' learning.The first three chapters: The first chapter is an introductory chapter,which briefly introduces video documentation that is one of the most promising tools for classroom learning study,and summarizes the current research on teaching quality,providing an analytical framework and theoretical basis.The second chapter summarizes the relevant literature on teaching mode and classroom discourse in scientific classrooms,gives the data and methods of inquiry,and states the analysis results.The third chapter describes how to use reading strategies naturally in teaching in detail,especially how to apply reading strategies to promote reading in cooperative learning.This translated text is an academic work of education,which is rigorous and theoretical,containing a large number of professional terms.Taking faithfulness as the prerequisite in translation,the author trys to retain the academic and professional characteristics of the source text.Guided by the English-Chinese contrastive theory,translation techniques,such as,conversion,addition and omission,are flexibly used.As the structure of source sentences is complex,techniques are applied,for instance,long sentences split and recombined,sentences order adjusted,and short sentences merged.Meanwhile,the stylistic style of educational texts is taken into account in translation to make the translation express clearly and smoothly.Due to the academic and professional nature of the source text,a large number of proper nouns are involved in the text.The author attaches an appendix of proper nouns at the end of the translation report to facilitate a better understanding of the translation.This practice report is based on the English-Chinese contrast theory to carry out translation thesis and give examples for analysis.In the process of translation,the author not only deepens understanding of the theory,but also improves my translation ability,laying a solid foundation for future work and study.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching and Learning in Lower Secondary Schools, Classroom Teaching, A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese, Translation Report
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