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All Writing Must Fall On The Land

Posted on:2020-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q GeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578461506Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the new century,the "Wenzhou Phenomenon" of literature has received much attention.Their creations have begun to be favored by critics and researchers,and a quantitative study of Wenzhou writers has also been formed.But in general,the researchers' research on the works of Wenzhou native writers mainly focuses on writers' research,works' research,image studies,stylistic features,narrative perspectives and regional culture and so on.This article tries from the perspective of imagery,according to the distance between the writer and Wenzhou's native and space,from eight Wenzhou writers: Wang Shou,Zhe Gui,Dong Jun;Lin Jinlan,Zhong Qiushi,Wu Xuan;Zhang Lin and Chen He's works to explore the image of Wenzhou people written by Wenzhou native writers,and to carefully analyze the similarities and differences between the writers depicting the image of Wenzhou people.The thesis is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the introduction part,which explains the "Wenzhou phenomenon" of literature and makes a basic definition of the image of Wenzhou people.The second to fourth chapters are mainly to show the image of Wenzhou people from eight writers and Wenzhou's local and spatial distances.The image of Wenzhou people is a show;the fifth chapter is a holistic view of these writers from the similarities and differences of the image of Wenzhou people.The article believes that the study of the Wenzhou people's image in the Wenzhou writers can make up to some extent the gaps in the study of the Wenzhou writers' writing of the Wenzhou people's image,and it canalso have a clearer view of the Wenzhou people.understanding.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wenzhou native writer, native and spatial distance, the image of Wenzhou people, similarities and differences
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