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Ming Dynasty Writer Wenzhou Government Research

Posted on:2014-10-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330398497881Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis tries to take these men of letters appeared in Wenzhou Prefecture asthe research objects and makes an investigation and researeh on them,whose lifeand literary works are taken into consideration,with the purose of deseribing thegeneral features and local characteristics of the literature in Whenzhou with in almost300years in Ming Dynasty.By making a survey of various historical documents,including the history oflocal places and the books of family genealogy,it has found that there are in all411writers in Ming Dynasty,aPPearing in46other collections nowadays.Then this thesisobserves and investigates the lives of these writers and their works on the basis of thefirst handed information.Two Parts一Preface and Introduction一appears before themain text,the former mainly narrates“the status of present research both at home andabroad", and“the research object and approaches as well as the innovativePoints”;while the latter states“the historical evolution of Wenzhou",and “the economyand culture of Whenzhou Prefecture in MingDynasty", and also makes ageneralization of these writers mentioned above.The main text observes the writes one by one in sequential order at first,andthen introduces the writers within the Period form Hongwu to JianWen (The yearsname after the name of the emPerors)in the first part.As the great Politieal innovationhas taken place,there are few writers,mainly including Zhu Xi Hui,Zhang Zhu,YuYao Chen ete.,in this span.The second part introduces the writers within the Period from Yongle toChenhua(ibid)..With the development on education, especially the development ofthe imperial examination, Wenzhou Prefecture writers during this period mainly in theofficer of the imperial court, such as Huang Huai,Zhang Lun,Zhou Xuan ete.The third Part introduces the writers within the Period from HongZhi toLongQing(ibid).Aftera一long time accumulation, the literature of WenZhouPrefecture won its blooming Period and different types of writers and works come outand show their own various creative styles.These main writers included Zhu Jian,ZhaoTing Song,Kang Cong Li,Xiang Qiao,Hou Yi Yuan,Hou Yi Lin,Wang Shu Guo,WangShu Gao,ete.The fourth part introduces the writers in the period from WanLi toChongZhen(ibid).in the periods, the literature of WenZhou Prefecture is One branchalone beautiful, best foot forward.These main writers included He Bai,Liu KangZhi,Ke Rong,Jiang Huai,Chen Yi Qiu,Ye Shang Gao,ete. The sixth Part introduces the“eultural fami1ies”,choose three examples and givea brief description.At last two appendixes areadded,one is the index for these411writers ofWenzhou Prefeeture and their anthologies,the other is the list for the present46othercollections for these writers.In addition,this thesis,based on putting emphasis on the documents and theformer researehes,has appIied the combined approaches of investigation anddiscussion as well as paid attention to the relationshipbetween the case study andWhole observation as much as possible,hopes to make some beneficial observationand Provide some useful reference to the further research on the literature of MingDynasty.
Keywords/Search Tags:MingDynasty, the writers of Wenzhou Prefeeture, research
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