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A Translation Report On Behavior And Group Management In Outdoor Adventure Education(Chapter 6)

Posted on:2020-07-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J R BiFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This translation project is based on Chapter Six of Behavior and Group Management in Outdoor Adventure Education,written by Alan Ewert and Curt Davidson.This book focuses on behavior and group management under the context of outdoor adventure education,with Chapter Six dealing with the effective techniques that instructors can use to manage group and individual behaviors by following the classic examples provided in it.This translation project is conducive to promoting readers' understanding of outdoor adventure education,as well as the behavior and group management techniques.The translation report consists of five chapters.Chapter One is an introduction to the translation project,including its background,significance and structure.Chapter Two talks about the source text,including its authors' information,publishing facts,main content and linguistic features.Chapter Three explains communicative translation as the guiding theory and its application in translation practice.Chapter Four depicts the translation difficulties and their corresponding solutions,and the last chapter is a summary of the project with both lessons the translator has learnt from this translation practice and problems to be solved.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation report, outdoor adventure education, behavior and group management, communicative translation
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