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Wang Zengqi And The Reconstruction Of Modern Literary Tradition In The 1980s

Posted on:2019-04-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548467701Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper adopts the method of combining literary history research with writer's research.First,try to reconstruct Wang Zengqi's literary activities and his interaction with the literary scene in the 1980s on the basis of historical materials around the literary.Then,thinking about the relationship between Wang Zengqi and the reconstruction of modern literary tradition from the historical context.The main content of this paper divides into five parts.The introduction part explains the reasons for the selection of the title,summarizing the related research results of Wang Zengqi's inheritance and transformation of modern literature resource.Based on this,the research ideas and research methods of the thesis are presented.The first chapter settles WangZengqi's introduction to Shen Congwen in the 1980s,trying to discuss Wang Zengqi's understanding of his inherited relationship with Shen Congwen.Wang Zengqi recalled Shen Congwen's guidance in the 1980s.He adjusted his literary status in the 1980s by Shen Congwen's teachings,and he got the motivation to make a comeback in the early 1980s.He asked the gains and losings behind ShenCongwen's career changing.On the one hand,it is the emphasis on the significance of Shen Congwen's value of literary history.On the other hand,it is also a reflection on the relationship between politics and literature.He refuted Shen Congwen's reputation of"reactionary writer" and "empty writer" in the 1940s.In the process of narration,a"patriotic","lyrical" and "lonely" Shen Congwen's image are recreated.The second chapter deals with the selection,comment,annotation and sorting of modern writers in Wang Zengqi's new era.The part compares Wang Zengqi's understanding with the understanding of writers' revaluation and modern literary tradition in the 1980s.This chapter tries to divide Wang Zengqi's commentary on modern writers into three directions:The first is based on his own creation or aesthetic ideal,for example,his discussion of Fei Ming and Lu Xun's literary concept,the meticulous attention to Sun Li's notebook novels,etc.The second is to comment on similar life experiences,for example,his "understanding sympathy" for Lao She and Zhao Shuli,his appreciation of Huang Shang's learning,etc.The third is based on his view of literary history,for example,he has different opinions on the positioning of Zhang Ailing and'Yuan Yang Hu Die Pai"(a literary genre represented by Zhang Henshui),etc.From this we can see that Wang Zengqi's continuation of the modern literary tradition is a multifaceted and consistent act,and he also presented his own unique insights.The third chapter returns to the creation practice itself and discusses it,chooses Wang Zengqi's rewriting and rewriting as the entry point,and discusses Wang Zengqi's re-clearing process of the modern literary tradition through the comparative analysis of old works and adaptations.Firstly,in the three rewrites of the old literary works in 1980s,the intentional writing of healthy human nature and the addition of genre painting reflected his eclectic choice between "liberal realism" and socialist realism--lyrical realism.Secondly,from The Encounter Set to Wang Zengqi's Short Stories,the revision reflects Wang Zengqi's conciliation between modern consciousness and Chinese style.Finally,the rewriting of Children in The Street,Occupation and The Wheelwright embodies the transformation of Wang Zengqi's literary form consciousness and the self-consciousness of "returning to tradition".Based on the above research,the conclusion part sums up the core thinking of Wang Zengqi in sorting out the modern literary tradition,and has a extended discussion about Wang Zengqi's inspirations on literary tradition reconversion,literary reform and contemporary literary relations.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wang Zengqi, 1980s, modern literary tradition
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