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The Effect Of Gratitude On The Restoration Of Trust Violation In Different Relationships

Posted on:2019-03-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Y TianFull Text:PDF
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Objective:The purpose of this paper is to explore whether gratitude affects trust repair and whether there are differences in trust repair between different interpersonal relationships and trust types.Methods:The study was conducted by questionnaire and scene simulation method in Hunan Changsha and Changde areas,the experiment is divided into three parts,which were involved in the pre-experiment of 104 peoples,in the scenario simulated a total of 317 peoples;in the aspect of data processing,the main use of descriptive statistics and simple statistical methods effect analysis,discusses the main factors such as gratitude and trust against the effects of types and type of interpersonal relations of trust repair.Results:The results showed as follows:1.Gratitude can effectively repair trust violation;2.People are different for the three levels of trust in different interpersonal relationships of objects;relatives,decreasing the degree of trust of successive acquaintances and strangers,but the relatives and acquaintances do not exist significant differences between the two groups before strangers and there are significant differences;3.Gratitude on these differences repair effect of trust violation in different relationship situation;the best repair effect of gratitude to trust acquaintances,strangers repair effect is the worst,the family group and between the two groups have no significant difference;there are differences in repair effect of 4.Gratitude on different types of trust violation.The repair effect of the ability trust violation is superior to the honest trust violation type;5.The type of trust violation and the category of interpersonal relationships have an independent effect on the restoration of gratitude,and there is no interaction.Conclusion:Gratitude is unique to the handling of interpersonal relationships,and gratitude has a positive impact on the restoration of trust.People should have to do a lot of helps in study and learn time;it's easier to be thankful for each other.Secondly,the effect of gratitude is influenced by many factors,and we should use it in a reasonable way.
Keywords/Search Tags:gratitude, relationship, trust violation, restoration
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