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A Survey On The Rational Drug Use Of Outpatient Prescription In 15 Community Health Service Centers In A District Of Shanghai

Posted on:2020-04-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
OBJECTIVE:To understand the general situation of rational drug use and antibacte-rial drug monitoring data of 15 community health service centers in Songjiang District of Shanghai from 2015 to 2017,and to explore possible risk factors affecting the rati-onal application of drugs in primary medical institutions,and to discuss the rationaliz-ation of primury medical unite,The trial and control measures that can be promoted in the management of drugs,especially untibacterial drugs,provide a theoretical basis f-or promoting clinical rutional drug use.METHODS:outpatient prescriptions of 15 community health service centers were selected and were used to examine drug utilizat-on during the 3-year period.WHO/INRUD "Research Methods and Indicators for Rational Use of Medical Units" was used as a survey tool.During the study,each community service center will review the prescrption for the whole day,and randomly select 100 prescriptions from the report,und finally we collected 54,000 precript-ions.,which were statistically analy-ed,integrated through EXCEL,and the rational drug use problem was evaluated.RESULTS:average number of drug per prescription dropped was 2.08,percentage of injection dropped was 7.0%,percentage of essential drugs accounted was 98.33%,percentage of rational prescriptions was 98%:three-year average antibacterial drugs accounted for total drug income ratio was 10.3%,CAGR-8,45%:outpatients with antibacterial drugs DDDs was 11011,CAGR-4,92%;antihacterial drugs issued per prescription was 0.56,CAOR-1.50%;antibacterial drug usage ratino was 12.56%,CAGR1,23%,The percentage of antimicrobial prescriptions increased positively,while hte other indicators inereased negatively.Conclusion:The prescriptions for rational prescription of outpatient prescriptions of 15 community healty service centers in Songjiang District are in line with WHO standards.Compared with pre-vious years,the quality of outpatient preseriptions has been significantly improved.the antimierobial drug regulatory system is advancing usefully and strategically,and the level of dimical application has been greatly improwed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rcasonable use of drugs, Community Health Service Centres, outpatient prescription
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