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The Discussion Of The Relationship Between Doctors And Patients In China Based On Human-Oriented Life Value Concept

Posted on:2020-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2404330593452072Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
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People-oriented is the core of China's socialist scientific development concept,and it is also an important guiding ideology for building socialism with Chinese characteristics.Xi Jinping pointed out that under the emphasis on upholding the party's leadership over all work,the ultimate goal of China's economic development is to “put people first” in the report of the 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.So we can see that people-oriented thinking should always be implemented in all our work.At the current stage,China's frequent malignant incidents caused by conflicts between doctors and patients have not only undermined the lives of citizens,but also challenged the dignity of the legal system and trampled on the order of social civilization.Therefore,it is imperative to build a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.Medicine is a science about people and life.Therefore,people-oriented thinking also has an important guiding role in building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.In the relationship between doctors and patients,the people-oriented ideology mainly embodies the foundation of human life,respects people,affirms people,and emphasizes the overall development of people.Instead of treating the disease,the doctor treats the patient himself and should pay more attention to his physical and mental experience during the treatment.Respect for life,patient-centered,that is,establish a people-centered concept of the value of life,from the perspective of philosophical analysis of the causes of the existing contradictions between doctors and patients and to improve the relationship in China.Find the way of use people-oriented operation to build a harmonious doctor-patient relationship,this article is divided into three parts to discuss these issues.The first part discusses Marxist people-oriented concept of life value and related concepts.On the basis of combing and analyzing the past humanistic thinking and the meaning of life value,the essence and characteristics of the human-oriented life value concept are explained.At the same time,it clarifies that medicine is a science that is related to life,has a humanistic attribute,and needs to implement a people-centered concept of life values,that is,the existence and development of human life as a fundamental.In the second part,the enlightenment brought to our country by analyzing the problems existing in the doctor-patient relationship in China due to the failure to fully implement the people-centered spirit and the way to maintain good doctor-patient relationship abroad.China's medical industry has not fully implemented the people-oriented spirit mainly reflected in four aspects: the medical security system is not perfect;the information between doctors and patients is asymmetric;the communication between doctors and patients is insufficient and the channels for mediation of disputes are not smooth.Secondly,through a brief analysis of the changes in the foreign doctor-patient communication model,taking the United States,France,and Japan as examples,we sum up the experience of foreign countries dealing with contradictions between doctors and patients to solve the problems of doctor-patient relationship in China.The third part discusses the countermeasures to improve the relationship between doctors and patients in China based on the concept of human-oriented life.The essential requirement of the people-oriented concept of life value is to take human life as the fundamental.Therefore,there are mainly three aspects to improve the doctor-patient relationship in China based on the human-centered concept of life.First of all,we must respect life and be human-oriented.Life is the most precious,and doctors must establish the concept of values based on the lives and health of patients firmly.Patients also must establish values that respect life.Second,we must respect each other and equalize our love.All human beings are born equal,doctors must serve the patients wholeheartedly,and patients must respect the work of medical personnel and appreciate their hard work.Finally,we must standardize morality and promote self-cultivation.Doctors must have medical ethics,and patients must have sick ethics.Strengthen moral construction and ensure that people-oriented values of life can play a proper role in building a good doctor-patient relationship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Doctor-patient Relationship, People Oriented, Life Value
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