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Case Analysis Of "Jing Nong Dai" Pu Yang Poverty Alleviation Sheep

Posted on:2020-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M H ZhouFull Text:PDF
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Poverty in rural areas has always been a major concern of the state.However,due to the large number of poor people in rural areas,there are still some problems in rural areas,such as imperfect financial services and single financing channels,which impel the backwardness of rural financial development to seriously restrict the development of rural economy.Our poverty alleviation work has entered a very critical period.The rapid development of rural Internet finance can effectively remedy the shortage of the existing loan system and provide a new way of thinking for industrial poverty alleviation.In recent years,Jingdong Finance has exerted a great influence in promoting the development of industrial poverty alleviation,and its rural credit product,"Jing Nongdai" has attracted wide attention.In June 2017,the "Jing Nongdai " Puyang Poverty Alleviation Sheep Project was implemented in Puyang area.Before the introduction of the project,the problems of "difficult financing,expensive loans" in mutton sheep breeding industry in Puyang area were obvious.The introduction of "Jing Nongdai" has brought start-up funds for mutton sheep farming to poor local households.Its mode of "data agricultural loan" and "financing?insurance?service" has well promoted the development of mutton sheep farming industry in Puyang County,and is a model of poverty alleviation through Internet finance.As a typical case of inclusive finance,the project was selected into China Inclusive Financial Development Report(2017).As an important breeding industry in Puyang County,mutton sheep breeding is an important way for farmers to get rid of poverty and become rich.In the development of mutton sheep breeding,the injection of funds is very important,which is related to the extension and development of Puyang mutton sheep breeding industry.Using Internet finance to effectively solve the problem of "difficult financing and expensive loans" of poor households and to improve the enthusiasm of farmers to participate in sheep farming industry is the key for farmers in this region to get rid of poverty and become rich.Therefore,it is of great practical significance to analyze the current situation of the development of poverty alleviation sheep in Puyang,to explore its problems and innovations,and to explore new ways of improving Internet finance to promote industrial poverty alleviation.Through literature research,SWOT analysis and comparative analysis,this paper studies the poverty alleviation sheep project of "Jing Nongdai" Puyang.Based on the development of"Jing Nongdai" and Puyang Poverty Alleviation Sheep Project,this paper studies the problems of "Jing Nongdai" in promoting the development of the project.With the model of "data Agricultural Loan" and "financing+insurance+service" as the core,through comparing with Yixin Agricultural Loan and Dabei Agricultural Loan,the advantages and disadvantages in the development of "Jing Nongdai" are discussed in depth.Based on the above research,it is concluded that "Jing Nongdai" has solved the problem of "difficult financing and expensive loans" of poor households to a certain extent in Puyang Poverty Alleviation Project of "Jing Nongdai",improved local financial services,increased the income of poor households,and further verified the positive role of rural Internet Finance in industrial poverty alleviation.From the perspective of expanding advantages and remedying deficiencies,this paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions on promoting industrial poverty alleviation development by "Jing Nongdai".
Keywords/Search Tags:"Jing Nongdai", Rural Internet finance, Industry for poverty alleviation
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