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Arduino-based Visual Fire Remote Monitoring Alarm Management System

Posted on:2021-04-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z F DuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330602997124Subject:Control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of society,people pay more and more attention to the production process.For individual consumers,they want to know the specific production process,whether each production link is under monitoring and where is the source of the products they have purchased.For enterprises,it is more important to monitor production carefully and supervise every production link to improve the product yield,reduce production costs,improve production efficiency and achieve accurate and efficient accountability mechanism of defective product.In the face of this growing demand,the quality traceability system of various industries has developed vigorously.The domestic quality traceability system started late,but now more and more enterprises have begun to deploy their own product traceability system to realize the supervision of the product life cycle.First,this paper investigated the current situation of the traceability system and analyzed the existing traceability problems of the air conditioner products.The author also observed in the actual production environment and talked with relevant practitioners to understand the current production status of the air conditioner as well as the actual production process to have a macro understanding of how to achieve the quality traceability of air conditioner products.Second,this paper concludes a practical collection scheme which can not only collect production information conveniently but also and effectively control system costs according to the study of current popular methods that can collect information in the production link and analyze a variety of collection methods with the same function.Third,this paper detailed the design of specific functions to achieve division of functions and modular design according to the summarized plan.Also integrate information from different links,and finally achieve the realization of product Production life cycle based on the records of data flow and workflow of actual production process.Finally,this paper finish coding according to the detailed design and write programs according to different modules and different functions,and verify the feasibility and stability of the system until it can be put into operation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Quality Traceability, Air Conditioner, Life Cycle
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