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Research On The Development Strategy Of K Auto Sales Company

Posted on:2019-10-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330596965033Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After more than 10 years of rapid growth,the annual output of Chinese automobiles increased from 5 million 760 thousand vehicles in 2005 to 28 million 20 thousand in 2017,and the annual sales volume of automobiles increased by 386% during that period.From the perspective of industrial life cycle,with the development trend of the global automotive industry,China's auto market has gradually entered the maturity stage from its development stage,and its growth rate is slowing down to a steady growth period.The future,the automotive industry chain and products will face great challenges and changes,this change is perhaps the history of automobile industry following the "line" and "diversification" and "lean" after the fourth revolution,the car will become a new technology with the technology of cross industry,cross-border integration,people's car life auto industry pattern will change.As the research on the development strategy of automobile industry K automobile sales company of enterprises have the very important role,resources and environment,has the ability to formulate the development strategy and the company faces the match;at the same time,facing the change rapidly changes the automotive industry,K company must actively analyze and respond to,to find suitable for their own development the strategy,so as to promote the continuous development of enterprises.This study is based on investigation and analysis,statistics and other research methods,the development of automobile industry environment and development trend of K company faces,comprehensive analysis and Research on Application of SWOT analysis tools such as strategic management,put forward to adapt to the strategic positioning of K company under the new situation of development and adjustment K,put forward to strengthen the company's core business,diversified development strategy under the new situation.After the study we think that K company should make full use of their own advantages,to seize the domestic industry development opportunities,give full play to the company's existing business advantage,advantage,high quality service brand,enterprise internal resources to maximize into competitive advantage,effectively promote the main business,and where appropriate the opportunity to find new business growth,achieve diversified development in the automobile market,the automobile finance service etc..
Keywords/Search Tags:car, development strategy, PEST, SWOT, pluralism
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