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The Study Of The Subway Equipment Maintenance Outsourcing Project Risk Managenment

Posted on:2019-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K P LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2392330572983416Subject:Project management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of modern urban rail transit lines,urban rail transit road networks have been formed,but due to different construction years,the equipment and facilities used vary greatly among different operating lines;to ensure the safety of subway operations,equipment maintenance work It is an important component of the company as a whole.However,due to the wide span of various subway lines,the maintenance and repair of various professional equipment and facilities will inevitably form a multi-line,multi-work area and multi-professional maintenance mode.Operational maintenance organization and operational security management is very difficult.At the same time,according to the existing maintenance strategy and mode,the maintenance of the above equipment requires the support of a large number of resources such as manpower and resources.Therefore,in order to protect the core competitiveness of enterprises,enterprises need to analyze the strategic needs and development direction of the company,adjust the equipment maintenance mode and maintenance strategy of the enterprise,and rationally and optimize the utilization of enterprise resources.Contracting the equipment maintenance and maintenance work of the enterprise to the maintenance company in the market,through its professional technology to achieve high-level and high-efficiency maintenance purposes for the enterprise equipment,thereby ensuring the safe operation and service of the subway equipment and improving competitiveness.This paper takes the BJMTR Equipment Maintenance Outsourcing Project as the research object,and identifies and evaluates the project risks in the conceptual,development,implementation and end phases of the project according to the project management theory and the knowledge points of the risk management theory.Corresponding measures have been taken for each risk point.Firstly,this paper introduces the reason and background of BJMTR,subway equipment maintenance mode and subway equipment maintenance outsourcing mode,and puts forward the necessity of risk management for subway equipment maintenance outsourcing project.Secondly,it introduces and describes the knowledge of project management and risk management theory in detail,and explores and learns at different stages of risk identification,analysis,evaluation and response,and applies the risk management process to the subway equipment maintenance outsourcing project.In-depth research was conducted.This paper has certain practical and guiding effects on risk management of similar projects.
Keywords/Search Tags:BJMTR, equipment maintenance, outsourcing, project management, risk management
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