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The Research Of Model Of Economic And Technological Cooperation In The Filed Of Energy Between China And Mongolia

Posted on:2019-07-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330548487288Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The Belt and Road" has opened up a new space for international cooperation and influenced the way of global economic cooperation from the time it was proposed.The convening of the 19 th Chinese National Congress has injected a great impetus into the "The Belt and Road" and brought more opportunities for the development of all countries in the world.Since "The Belt and Road" was put forward,the role of the smooth flow of trade has become even more prominent,it has not only stimulated the economic growth of all countries but also improved the welfare of people's livelihood and promoted industrial cooperation and technology dissemination.From January to November 2017,Chinese enterprises totally invested 12.37 billion U.S.dollars in non-financial direct investment in 59 countries along " the Belt and Road".With the development of deep-seated cooperation among countries,many international economic and technological cooperation modes have been derived.Different countries,different economic and technological levels,and different modes of economic and technological cooperation.Energy is an important factor in a country's competitiveness and strategic position.As China's demand for energy increases,China is actively seeking energy cooperation.Mongolia is one of the important neighbors of our country and is also the longest country on the border with our country.More than 30 years ago,great changes took place in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe.Mongolia had undergone the country's economic restructuring and its economic system underwent major changes and its foreign economy was more open.Under this backdrop of global political and economic development,the economic and trade between China and Mongolia rapidly formed under the promotion of market economy conditions,opening a new era for China-Mongolia economic and trade cooperation and bringing new opportunities to the economic and technological cooperation in the field of energy between China and Mongolia.In 2014,China and Mongolia both promoted their all-round strategic partnership.In 2015,China's direct foreign investment in Mongolia reached 3.77 billion U.S.dollars.By November 2017,the total import and export volume of Mongolia and Mongolia reached 561.5682 million U.S.dollars.The bilateral trade relations between China and Mongolia have been continuously developing and showed good prospects.Although the cooperation with Mongolia has made remarkable achievements,the existing energy cooperation between China and Mongolia is basically at a shallow level of trade in goods.The depth and breadth of economic and technological cooperation in the field of energy are far below the worldaverage,which It is unfavorable to the long-term trade cooperation and development between the two countries.With the adjustment of Mongolia's economic and economic structure,the fundamental transformation of the energy trade pattern between China and Mongolia in the future will become inevitable.High-tech and energy-efficient technical cooperation based on the economic and trade connotation of the two countries will be an inevitable demand.It is also an inevitable choice for Mongolia to upgrade its economic development level and change the structure and mode of economic growth.Based on the analysis of the needs of economic and technological cooperation between China and Mongolia,this paper analyzes the necessity of economic and technological cooperation between China and Mongolia and compares the current international economic and technological cooperation modes based on the basic characteristics and scope of the model.The mode of economic and technological cooperation between China and Japan in the 1980 s has more reference for the economic and technological cooperation between China and Mongolia.On the basis of this conclusion,this paper explores the impact of China-Japan economic and technological cooperation on China's economic development with the aid of empirical methods and draws on the successful experience of China-Japan economic and technological cooperation.According to the impact of Mongolia's economic and technological cooperation,the author points out that technological upgrading is the core of economic and technological cooperation in the field of energy between China and Mongolia,the feasibility analysis is the basis.,the project location is the key and policy guidance is the driving force.Choosing the right mode of economic and technological cooperation between China and Mongolia has become the key to China-Mongolia economic and technological cooperation.
Keywords/Search Tags:economic and technological cooperation, China and Mongolia, energy, model of technical cooperation
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