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Study On The Application Of Piling Hills And Placing Stones Theory In "Yuan Ye" In Suzhou Classical Garden

Posted on:2019-12-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2382330548476844Subject:Landscape architecture study
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the end of the Ming Dynasty a written "Yuan ye" is China's first monograph on the history of this garden,garden art and technology is summarized,which is the essence of the article hills in place."duo mountain" also known as "hill-stacking","duo" is a place of Wu dialect,so in "Yuan ye" said duo and duo is still in use,meaning hill-stacking.The experience and feeling of stone rockeries is more important than the craftsman,it is difficult to use pure rational thinking to complete.However,from "Yuan ye" we can sum up some design methods,and through the comparison of these methods with the existing classical gardens in Suzhou,so as to carry forward the traditional hill-stacking art in China and apply it to modern garden design practice.This paper from the "Yuan Ye" a Book of the collection of the large number of hill stone related data and literature,the "Yuan Ye" writing background and the background of the author and other data collection analysis.Then the "Yuan ye" in the hill-stacking,stone articles with relevant information summary,understand "Yuan ye" rockery stone causes and process method.In combination with other books and literature research summed up the relationship between "Yuan ye" in the hills and classification of stone and designing method and sort out the stone and rockery garden layout.The classical gardens of Suzhou as an outstanding representative of south of the Yangtze River and Chinese garden,the local hills in stone,with the potential of orogeny,skillful.Suzhou classical gardens,as the outstanding representatives of the gardens in the south of the river and even in the China,can be adapted to local conditions,with the trend of the mountain,skilled.The remaining work in spite of the rockery renovation,but still kept its style,especially the Ming and Qing Dynasties rockery,the "Yuan ye" can often prove each other.With "Yuan ye"theoretical research and field research in Suzhou,made the following research results:1.On the one hand,a summary of China's traditional hill-stacking skill and theoretical development,on the other hand,summed up the "Yuan ye" works with the influence of background and significance.Based on the "Yuan ye" in the hill-stacking,stone article statement arrangement and analysis,which relates to the hill-stacking theory classification,sort out the "Yuan ye" rockery hill-stacking type and design method.2.Combined with the theoretical summary of the classical gardens of Suzhou hill-stacking and stone,and for key cases for surveying and mapping analysis,obtain hill stone relics first-hand information.To sort out the historical development of classical gardens in Suzhou and from the natural,political,economic and cultural aspects of the classical gardens of Suzhou hills factors affecting the formation of stone theory.In addition,summed up Suzhou Garden Hill classification and methods of application and stone works3.Summed up the "Yuan ye" hill-stacking and stone representative create practices,combined with the Suzhou field research content from the hill-stacking and stone two aspects.Including"hill-stacking before the hall,Self-made mountain forest",'pink wall for paper,mountain painting","describe the nature,mountains and rivers depend on each other""wild stone embellishment,good wood becoming fun","pick up the level,high and far from looking","high precision,the artistic conception far-reaching"and"lonely peak independen-t,inch stone health condition","looking around contain affection,looking at each other on the bright light","polish at will,Self-made wild tastes","Insert corner,as if since it is made","stone flower bed,full of interesting","curved shoring Bridge,exist side by side and play a part together","stoneware set,happiness within".The applied research of mountain stone design method in Suzhou classical gardens is expounded in detail.4.Through the "Yuan ye" theory and the analysis of the Suzhou Classical Garden piling hills and placing stones the three-point design principle of "according to local conditions,natural methods of casting spells","new methods used in the old law,people appreciate now,"and"close-up forests and profound artistic conception"are expected.There are guiding opinions.
Keywords/Search Tags:"Yuan Ye", Overhead, Stone placement, Classical Garden, Suzhou
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