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Research On Flexible Interface Of Urban Space From The Perspective Of Consumerism

Posted on:2017-12-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The State Council issued the "CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Further trengthening the work of urban planning and construction management" in the(sixteen)to optimize the tructure of the road network.Strengthen district planning and construction,the cascade clearly new block area,promote the development of open and convenient,appropriate scale,complete and perfect,harmonious neighborhood of living district,and so on,block system in countries in the form of administrative policy was determined.In this paper,by combining the consumption characteristics of the times in urban design study,sing biology related concept,put forward the concept of urban space flexible interface and problems produced in order to ease after the modern city,and from the commercialization of urban space view,with the aid of flexible space concept,in-depth study of the contemporary urban space of probability and the subsequent development of.The first chapter of this paper describes the existing leading theory of city development,combined with China's current urban problems,determine the scope of the study is to research category in the consumer era of urban spatial studies,the main theoretical weapon for existing since the modern city design theory,including Landscape Urbanism and parameters of urbanism declaration.Through the study of the characteristics of the consumer era,a new point of view of the current urban space interface theory.The second chapter from the era of consumption concept of in-depth on the consumer era of the cause,process and characteristics,combined with present urban theory and the urban design practice to explore the necessity of urban space flexible interface.The third chapter from the urban design of the traditional interface of from ancient times to the present,analysis of existing theories of urban design with the consumption era of contradictions and problems arising therefrom,and the existing theories of urban design in the consumption age passively.The fourth chapter combined with the content of the second chapter and the third chapter mainly elaborates the overall characteristics of the flexible interface,and flexible interface corresponding to the operation mode and operation principle and its supporting case.The fifth chapter is from the practical point of view,to a long look road hatchback urban design guidelines as a reference case,described the flexible interface design of the urban design in the practice process,provides the powerful support the practice.This article from the existing urban design example,open a new research window,from the perspective of flexible interface,the existing urban space interface theory provides a different side angle.
Keywords/Search Tags:urban space, flexible interface, consumption age, consumption culture, consumerism, Capital, Commodity
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