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The Research On Ecological Design Strategies Of Public Parking Lots

Posted on:2017-11-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Y ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the number of the vehicles in the city has been rising year by year,urban's demand for parking facilities is also growing,public parking lots,as an important means to solve the parking problems in the cities,will play a more and more important role.At the same time,with the growing popularity of the concept of constructing eco city,public parking lots' eco construction will be focused gradully due to its level of the land scale,construction cost,operation cost,management cost and functional complexity are getting higher and higher.This dissertation focuses on the eco design of public parking lots.Firstly,This article summarizes the development history and characteristics of the internal and external parking lot,by literature research,field research,comparative reserch,and consolidation method,and then focuse on the analysis of the key problems of the constrction of eco parking lot in China;then,the paper focuses on the eco design difficulties of ground,underground,parking building,these three types of parking lot,and then research the eco design strategies which adapted to the traits from many aspects by combining with the advanced technology design theory and the developed technologies;finally,based on the examples of actual design projects,demonstrates the application of eco design strategies in actual design works.In this research,the paper proposes a series of ecological design strategies which are relatively comprehensive,based on the three different types of parking field,and demonstrates the feasibility of the strategies by some actual design projects,which will be referential or instructive to the future construction of eco parking lot.The limitation of this paper is that the actual benefits brought by the proposed eco design strategies are more on the qualitative level,and to get the accurate results,it need to be measured by other methods which are more scientific and rigorous.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public parking lot, Present problem, Advanced theory, Mature technology, Eco design strategy
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