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Research On The Path Of Health And Poverty Alleviation For The Elderly In Rural Poverty Areas

Posted on:2019-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M QiaoFull Text:PDF
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With the arrival of the important period of building a well-off society in an all-round way.It is an important task at this stage to ensure that the rural poor can be lifted out of poverty by the current standards in China by 2020.Health poverty alleviation is a new concept proposed by China's health department.As early as December 2012,when general secretary Xi Jinping visited Hebei province to help the poor,he said," the most arduous and arduous task of building a well-off society in an all-round way is in rural areas,especially in poor areas." at the same time,the health of the people is an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity,without the health of the whole people,there is no comprehensive well-off.Health poverty alleviation is an important battle in the battle of poverty alleviation,is related to the vital interests of the masses,is related to the overall situation of poverty alleviation.The effective implementation of healthy poverty alleviation,can fundamentally solve the problem of poverty caused by illness,due to illness back to poverty,for decisive battle out of poverty,decisive victory over a well-off society in an all-round way,to achieve leapfrog development provides a strong guarantee.The purpose of this study is to study the path of health poverty alleviation for the rural elderly in poverty-stricken areas around a poverty-stricken rural case.the purpose of this study is to explore the actual problems and causes of health poverty alleviation for the rural elderly in poverty-stricken areas through in-depth investigation and exploration,and to put forward corresponding countermeasures in many aspects,which is conducive to the effective implementation of health poverty alleviation for the rural elderly in poverty-stricken areas.As the main research object of this paper,D village in Henan province,the author through literature research,interviews and observation of the investigation and research,the research found that the current rural poverty caused by illness,the health poverty alleviation of the elderly who return to poverty due to illness is deficient in four aspects: policy guarantee,community resources,family support and self-improvement motivation.At the same time,it is found that the contradiction of poverty alleviation policy is that the rural elderly in poverty-stricken areas are poordue to illness,poor policy protection after returning to poverty due to illness,lack of community resources,family support is limited,individual poverty is weak,it is difficult to effectively increase economic income,unable to achieve poverty alleviation.Therefore,it is suggested that a long-term mechanism to promote the healthy poverty alleviation of the rural elderly in poor areas should be established by improving the health poverty alleviation policy for the elderly in poor areas,developing community resources in poor areas,strengthening family-centered health poverty alleviation support,and the establishment of rural poor elderly care system and return to poverty due to illness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Poor area, Rural elderly, Health poverty alleviation
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