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Research On The Strategy Of Mudanjiang City Brand Building

Posted on:2018-02-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330533968953Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the speeding up of the information,agricultural modernization and industrialization process,the pace and development of urbanization is growing.Industry,culture,talent,information and other cities within the city began to fierce competition between the various cities.In the fierce competition in urban factors,industry convergence,context damage,brain drain,information failure and other modern urban diseases are increasingly apparent.Thousands of cities and other urban development issues are also increasingly serious in the process of urbanization.How to highlight the city's personality,the formation of the city's own unique city brand,the greatest degree of attracting foreign investors and consumers,become the current urban marketing imperative.Mudanjiang City,as the regional center of the southeastern Heilongjiang Province,in recent years,actively attach importance to urban brand building,and achieved certain results.But with the developed areas at home and abroad,compared to developed cities,Mudanjiang city brand building there are still some gaps.Therefore,it is of great practical significance to realize the comprehensive revitalization and development of Mudanjiang City by making full use of Mudanjiang's own comparative advantage and digging the characteristics of Mudanjiang city in depth to create a unique and wide-ranging city brand,and further shape the city image and enhance the urban value.Based on the theory of city marketing,and combining the theory of marketing,communication,etc,through the macro environment of Mudanjiang city brand building,the competitive environment is introduced as well as to the other city brand construction experiences at home and abroad,and according to the characteristics of Mudanjiang cities,from Mudanjiang city brand strengths,weaknesses,opportunities and threats of the construction of the four aspects of system analysis,the city of Mudanjiang city brand construction existence brand positioning is not clear,lack of related industry support,cultural resources excavation,city marketing idea backwardness and so on.And from the perspective of urban brand construction management design,put forward the Mudanjiang city brand construction should choice strategic positioning,brand visual recognition system design,city brand promotion,and other key dimensions for layout.From the macro policy level,Mudanjiang,industry should focus on optimizing space layout,the depth of the mining city characteristic culture,establish urban management idea.From microscopic operating level,Mudanjiang should set up city brand construction committee,with the laws and regulations to ensure the city brand marketing management,scientific develop city brand performance evaluation mechanism,to mobilize stakeholders actively participate in,to ensure that the rules-based Mudanjiang city brand construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:brand building, city brand, Mudanjiang
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