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L Company Coal E-commerce Business Development Strategy Research

Posted on:2016-07-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:2359330518470494Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
L company was founded in 1999,As a coal trader, it has a keen sense of the changes in the supply and demand of coal market in recent years, actively exploring new development model and following the trend of the times, opening up new trading channels. In 2010it created a coal electronic trading platform, carrying out the business of coal e-commerce. So that it taken the company to the Internet based coal supply chain service platform transformation of the mission. By 2014,the transactions that company's coal electronic trading platform to facilitate are nearly 16,000,000 tons. The turnover is more than 6,000,000,000 yuan . Compared with 2013 through the electronic trading platform to facilitate transactions only 1,200,000,000, wores in 2012 with 180,000,000, while the turnover has exceeded 6,000,000,000 in May 2015, the company's coal e-commerce business is growing rapidly.On the other hand, the rapid growth of the company's coal e-commerce business, the transaction and the company's total volume of coal e-commerce transactions are still not high,in 2013 years it accounted for 13% of the company's turnover,and in 2014 years it increased to 22%, which has a big gap in the direction of the company's transformation to the Internet business, the company needs to make strategic choices in the direction of the development of coal industry, the company's e-commerce development strategy for L company.The first part, from the external environment of coal industry, this paper expounds the opportunities and challenges caused by coal mining industry, the paper analyzes the macro environment of coal e-commerce by Pest analysis, which is based on the national development policy and law, the national economic development, the Social culture factors and the technology environment. Through analysis, it helps for the company's own positioning to find the basis for the company's next development to find the direction.The second part, from the internal environment of L company, it analyzes the company's existing resources and capabilities,the use of SWOT analysis,the company's own strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats are summarized, the next step for the company's strategic choice to provide a basis.The third part,on the basis of the previous analysis,it chose the development strategy of the company at the present stage of the development of the intensive development strategy, to play the advantages of e-commerce market development, and to put forward the development goals of the national coal trading market. So that it focus on the future development of the company, extending to the industrial chain of coal trading chain logistics insurance finance and other related areas, the implementation of the forward integration strategy. In the framework of the overall strategy of the company, the company has formulated a suitable functional strategy,pointing out the key issues of the company's current implementation strategy and strategic focus.Thefourth part, the implementation of the strategy of security measures. Taking out security measures that can help to achieve the strategic objectives security measures, from the optimization of product services, the occupation of the market, profit channels, marketing tools, human resources and other aspects of the company, so as the company's coal e-commerce development proposals.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coal e-commerce, intensive development strategy
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