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Li Jilin's Situational Composition Teaching Research

Posted on:2018-07-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330512493807Subject:Curriculum and teaching theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Situation of composition teaching in composition ability,for the purpose of ascension through the related situ ation,the composition of the student activity into relevant situational teaching method.Establishment situation,in th e writing teaching can h elp students get more effectively writing material,inspire the enthusiasm of students to th e thesis to the greatest extent,thus enhancing students' writing ability in the unconscious.Li Jilin teacher education as a situation,she began to study since 1978 situation teaching,and continuously explore and practice,put fo rward the education concept of "situational composition".Situation of composition teaching way,and can be created with the composition requirements related to the teachin g situation,lead students to th ink about,and realized that the real emotion,in pr actice,so as to promote students' writing,in writing.Li Jilin teacher follow the rules of the language education,is no t only an effective way to explore scientific Chinese teaching,has constructed the situation education theory frame,what she is to explore the situation of teaching system for the cu rrent our country the construction of the Chinese teaching system plays an important role,also greatly influenced the development of the theory of Chinese education in our c ountry,at the sam e time as the present language education provides a new thinking,new vision on the solution of the problem.This article from the connotation and characte ristics of Li Jilin teachers situation of composition teaching,analysis an d research.First,the elem ents of Li Jilin situation of composition teaching form multi-dimensional debate,on the basis of m arxist philosophy as the foundation,and draw lessons from the brai n science,psychology a nd aesthetic theory,such as scientific theory,by the transformation of the "artistic conception",and finally formed the Li Jilin situation of com position teaching theory.Secondly,through the relevant literature,reading a lar ge number of Li Jilin teacher according to the thesis teaching summarizes implementation steps and arrange,in order to better understand th e connotation of the situation of composition teaching.At the same time,the teacher will Li Jilin classroom activity combined with the implementation of the situation of composition teaching steps,from the richness,artistic quality,openness,orderlines s and five Angle discussion situation of composition teaching,scientific analysis of th e specific features of teaching practice.Finally,through to the Li Jilin situation of com position teaching theory and m ethod of research,enlightenment to the Chinese educators do ob serve life,cultivate in terest;Improve the aesthetic,aesthetic taste;Expand thought,truth and innovation;Integration of situational emotion;Scientific guidance,training,and then for a line of re ference and guidance for the teachers' composition teaching,im prove the efficiency of the Chinese com position teaching,the innovation of Chinese com position teaching mode,improving Chinese teacher's teaching quality,promote the effective implementation of the reform of Chinese teaching.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Jilin, Situational composition, Chinese teaching
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