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High School Chinese Reading Teaching Research

Posted on:2018-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2357330512484057Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Reading teaching has a great effect on language learning,it is the ancient education of valuable experience for us.The two major characteristics of Chinese are instrumental and humanistic,and reading aloud is an important link to realize these two characteristics.So reading aloud is very important.However,many of the high school Chinese class is not seen the trace of reading,some of the classroom reading is only a form of existence,which is how sad ah.In the "ordinary high school language curriculum standard(Experiment)",whether it is compulsory or elective part,have repeatedly made clear requirements for the teaching of reading aloud;In the new curriculum reform,there are more and more discussions about reading aloud.It can be seen that reading aloud is becoming more and more important.Therefore,I hope that the high school Chinese teachers can really pay attention to the teaching of reading aloud,but also a complete and vivid language classroom.Deep into the high school language classroom,we will find some problems exist.About reading aloud teaching,many teachers' reading consciousness is not high,the ability is not strong,is the main reason for the lack of reading;Careful observation of the teaching process of teachers,teachers will find some of the goals of teaching reading is not clear,the absence of reading guidance,reading evaluation content of the general,these are more common and urgent problems to be solved;Students interest is not strong,ability is not strong phenomenon can be seen everywhere.In the end what is the cause of the present situation of reading aloud?The reason is nothing more than the whole society,schools and teachers.The influence of college entrance examination is one of the most important factors;Of course,the school also has an unshirkable responsibility,it does not put forward a complete management and evaluation system;The neglect of reading teaching and the limited ability of reading aloud are the main reasons for this situation.These problems are deep-rooted and difficult to solve.However,in order to improve the quality of Chinese teaching and improve the comprehensive quality of students,we must find a way to solve the problem as soon as possible.In this paper,some problems in the teaching of Chinese reading in senior high school are given.Teachers should improve their awareness of reading aloud and enhance their theoretical knowledge.In practice,teachers should improve the ability of reading aloud teaching;Establishing the scientific system of reading aloud teaching;We should also pay attention to the cultivation of students' reading ability,such as stress,pause training,rhythm and tone training.For the current high school Chinese teaching in the teaching of several common style of reading,this paper also gives some targeted and operable guidance.I hope this paper can play a little role in the promotion ofreading aloud,and contribute to the theory and practice of reading aloud.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school Chinese, Reading teaching, Practice strategy
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