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High School's Pre-writing Guidance Status And Strategy Research

Posted on:2017-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HuFull Text:PDF
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Written under the guidance of the former is a guiding principle of writing and writing teaching theory, teachers before students begin writing, through careful selection and design of teaching methods and content of the student's essay needs of targeted coaching and guidance to inspire student interest in writing, acquire the relevant knowledge and writing skills, solve puzzles and writing difficult, so that more students can successfully complete the task of teaching writing.The article is divided into four chapters: The first chapter to explain the problem on the basis of legislation, research status, purpose and significance of research, research content and methods of main content.The second chapter of the guide before writing to define concepts, objectives and significance of the former clearly written guidance.The third chapter, the main problems through questionnaires, before writing the guidance appears in the investigation. Mainly in the following issues: teacher time constraints and lessons by writing before guiding a low frequency, preparation time is limited, inadequate preparation courses, poor teaching effect; Second, teachers for guidance before writing insufficient awareness, class standard of vague understanding, teaching philosophy relatively utilitarian, too much emphasis on the teaching of writing skills when writing guide before, causing the students will write essay exams, ignoring the writing on the mental health of students built role, ignoring the humanity of language education; and finally before writing guide the teaching content of the lack of sequence, there is no intrinsic link between teaching content, accumulation theory teacher wrote on the front of the guide is not enough, usually lack of thinking, leading to teaching the teaching efficiency is not high.Chapter Four main issues arise for the survey, presented some optimization before the write strategy. Emphasis on preparation areas, pay attention to the pre-write the guide, although there are many teachers that "this article Tiancheng, by chance it," but this can not everyone can have, is an occasional gift, the vast majority of students we still need a step by step guide, develop their writing skills. Right before writing guidance to improve students' writing ability is very helpful. Teachers to keep learning, a careful reading curriculum standards content, a good grasp of the general principle of teaching writing, clearly written guidance before each teaching objectives, write rich pre-training mode, a variety of ways to enhance the efficiency of the pre-write guidance.Chapter V presents a number of pre-written guide teaching, principles need to pay attention, to follow teacher-led, student-centered interactive teaching principles; follow the appropriate guidelines, not excessive guidance to curb student writing potential; follow the principle of development, students play potential; the sequence follows the principle of teaching content, a solid step by step guide of good writing before work.
Keywords/Search Tags:writing guide, high school, strategy
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