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On The Legalization Of Euthanasia

Posted on:2018-12-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2356330515977534Subject:Criminal Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Euthanasia,which involves philosophy,sociology,law and other disciplines of the focus of the proposition,from its emergence has led to widespread concern around the world,today on the issue of euthanasia is still continuous fermentation.People are increasingly thinking about when life is about to the end of the occasion,we have no choice of the right to death?In recent years,the cases of euthanasia in our country have increased significantly,and the voice of the legalization of euthanasia has become more and more high.In the judicial practice,euthanasia as a violation,to intentional homicide punishment.Whether it is an offense of euthanasia,whether such a conviction is reasonable and whether the euthanasia should be legalized.This is the original intention of discussing the problem of euthanasia.First of all,from the concept of euthanasia and classification,the basic meaning of euthanasia and the crime of a brief description of the crime.The relationship between active euthanasia and negative euthanasia is clearly defined.And then euthanasia in China's judicial practice in the problems faced by a detailed description.Euthanasia and intentional homicide,euthanasia and help suicide crime were compared and analyzed,illustrates the euthanasia in our country encountered the crime identified.And later introduced some scholars on the support of euthanasia legalization of the point of view,including from the point of view of the nature of the law,look forward to the possibility of the point of view.As a foothold,the process of euthanasia in foreign countries,from the Netherlands,Belgium euthanasia law to the United States natural death law,as well as Japan's euthanasia case,hoping to get some experience and learn from.In the end,the euthanasia in China's legalization of the idea.Including in the legislation on the implementation of the object,the implementation of the provisions of the main body.In the judicial to achieve the exclusion of euthanasia crime.
Keywords/Search Tags:euthanasia, intentional homicide, suicide, legalization, illegal obstruction
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