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The Research And Innovation Of The Folk Art Of Jiaodong

Posted on:2017-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F JiangFull Text:PDF
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Folk art in the sub-surface knock China has a long history, the distribution is quite extensive, south and north in there. With the dynastic history of constant change, the sub-surface knock artistic types and patterns more and more abundant, it comes from local folk folk customs, folk customs and culture acts as a carrier, and has always been active in various folk festivals of age, the expression of the majority of working people pray for a better life.In the past, people in our country in order to facilitate the daily life of civil and produced many useful objects, Shandong Jimo Shandong Gecun Art is one of the sub-surface and knock out one representative. Shandong is located in the north, with wheat as its main food products, Shandong early Qing Dynasty years, and only in the holidays to eat bread flour, so people took it as a tribute dedicated to the gods. Then people cherish bread flour so changing the law to study the production style, so some local folk artists carved woodblock New Year pictures woodcut engraving it with scraps carved today's "knock face child", as Gecun face Jimo a lot of popularity knock son art, its style more and more varieties are getting smaller. With the development of productive forces and improve the people's living standard, bread flour is no longer a rarity, a variety of bakery and pasta shop also pushed into a new, its usefulness has been weakened, folk life from the past commonly used articles, and slowly become collectors market hot dark horse, collection value and appreciate the value of it is gradually improving. In addition, civil sub-surface knock artistic modeling simple, nice shape, decoration is also very strong, increasing artistic value.Before writing this article, access and integrate some information on Shandong Jimo knock Gecun face child art-related records, including newspapers, publishing books, published journals and so on, through field visits and visits, interviews with a number of local sub-surface knock creators, the cultural industry park in Qingdao folk administrator in Qingdao folk Museum staff, and at various places with the questionnaire was carried out extensive investigations and other preparatory work for the latter part of the papers and collected many of the latest design creation information, feeling quite a lot. Studied in this paper, "Research and Innovation Jiaodong folk art face child knock-in Jimo Gecun Case" are a study from the following parts:The first part is "folk art of sub-surface knock Overview", which describes some of the major sub-surface origin knock folk art, development, classification, and proves civil plane in the long course of historical development in the sub-knock inevitability in art and development; the second part is "Jimo Gecun face child knock Art Review" the main show's most famous Jiaodong sub-surface origin Jimo Gecun knock, and details the history, production process, and aesthetic research pattern contains a pattern of Jimo knock Gecun face child art; the third part is "Jimo Ge innovation "village art surface knock son, talked problem Jimo Gecun face child knock artistic innovation faced and Solutions, combined with the author's analysis of the graduate creative writer innovation Jimo knock Gecun face child art try.I believe this study, the author not only inspire future design creation, and hope that more people understand the concern that the catches face Shandong folk arts crafts tradition.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jimo, Gecun, Side knock son, the study, innovation
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