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China HuaYe Group Company Young Employees Incentive Strategy Research

Posted on:2017-09-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZhaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2349330503464646Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's current economy presents new normal, downtown pressure on the economy, in the current economic situation, enterprises want to survive and develop, must be the transformation of development, how to achieve the transformation of development, talent is the key, with the "80" "90 into the workplace, gradually become a force in the workplace, this age group has the characteristics of their own, with the help of incentive strategy, improve their enthusiasm in work, is an important issue related to the development of enterprises?The paper reviews the relevant motivation theory as the theoretical basis, the survey of young employees in China Hua Ye Group Company Limited satisfaction of the existing incentive system on the basis of the exploration of China Hua Ye Group Company Limited incentive strategy problems in young employees, and made a deep analysis on the problems, in order to strengthen the enterprise culture Construction, enhance the cohesive force of the enterprise, improve young employees with a wide range of welfare system, introducing EAP service, construct the young employee caring system, carry out to enhance the training, the establishment of five aspects: good communication environment and communication way of young employees personalized professional ability, to China Hua Ye Group Company Limited young employees incentive strategy gives recommendations. Among them, in strengthening the construction of enterprise culture, enhance the cohesion of enterprises emphasis on people-oriented, customer-oriented concept of corporate culture, considering the material and spiritual combination in improving the young employees of diversified welfare system, the introduction of EAP services, the construction of young employee caring system proposed in the introduction of EAP services, to carry out occupation ability of individual employees to enhance youth training is proposed to carry out the professional skills, management skills and business skills training, to establish good communication environment and communication mode is proposed to strengthen the software and hardware development of the enterprise, build a good communication platform.This paper is divided into five chapters, the first chapter is the introduction, mainly expounds the background, questions, research significance and research contents, and research ideas and research methods and innovations; the second chapter is the basic theory and literature review, mainly introduces the overview of related staff motivation, incentive theory and EAP. The related research at home and abroad are reviewed; strategy analysis of the status quo of young employees China Hua Ye Group Company Limited incentive in Chapter third, based on defining the concept of young employees on the analysis of the China Hua Ye Group Company Limited and the present situation of personnel incentive situation, through questionnaire survey of young employees' needs, and the company of young employee motivation analysis the fourth chapter of young employees; China Metallurgical Group company incentive strategy design, based on the overall design ideas and principles on the China Metallurgical Group of young employees Incentive strategy design; the fifth chapter is conclusion and outlook, summarizes the shortcomings in the study, and look forward to the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:China HuaYe Group Company Limited, Excitation, Young Employees, Corporate Culture, EAP
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