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Design And Implementation Of A Credit Module Into A Core Business System

Posted on:2018-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S JiaoFull Text:PDF
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With development of internet and internet finance,computer and computer network have been widely used in all kinds of industries.The development of computer network technology provides very favorable conditions for development of many enterprises.However,it also brings bigger challenges.The banking industry is the industry that is first affected by computer and computer network technology.Therefore,banks should take a positive attitude towards the development of internet.To be exact,banks should select core systems which are suitable for themselves to improve their banking business capacity.This will be in favor of the future development of banking industry,preventing banks from being weeded out in the internet finance trend.In this paper,the background of core system reconstruction was introduced at first.Meanwhile,a full investigation into domestic and overseas banking core systems was carried out.In addition,a detailed survey of the business development status and future development trend of our bank was conducted.After survey,important conclusions,namely the significance of core system reconstruction and the design of system reconstruction modules,were obtained.This core system consists of ten modules: Outlet Management,Public Transaction,Customer Information,ECIF Customer Information,General Ledger Management,Internal Accounts Management,Debt Transaction,Asset Transaction,T+0 Statements & Reports,and Intermediary Business.A unified modular design was used to carry out modeling of each module.This not only ensures the unified modular design of the system,but also enables high-efficiency integration.In this way,each module is relatively dependent but inter-connects with each other,realizing data sharing.In a word,this ensureshigh-efficiency,steady and safe operation of the system.Meanwhile,this lays a firm foundation for banks to operate their core business in the era of internet finance.The implementation of this banking core business system was based on the idea of software engineering.The Service-oriented Architecture(SOA)was used to design and implement it.This system consists of a number of modules such as Outlet Management,Public Transaction,Customer Information,General Ledger Management,Deposit Transaction,and Intermediary Business.In order to ensure better and steadier operation of the system,a unified design solution for the overall system was used,and statistic and dynamic modeling of each module were completed.In this process,unified flow charts and use case diagrams were also designed.This facilitated more accurate understanding of system requirements and made the system design more reasonable.This system ensures not only integration,but also modularization.In addition,this system fully demonstrates functions of each module to satisfy user requirements.After completion of system development,five rounds of UAT tests were conducted.Based on these tests,problems in the process of developing the system were analyzed,and source codes were modified.All bugs in the testing process were also fixed.All of above efforts ensured that the system enables functions specified in the requirement specifications and meets requirements for putting into service.In this way,a safe and steady core business system for banks was provided.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bank, credit module, test, core business system
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